Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tutorial - How to Design Triangle Quilts in EQ7

For the Modern Quilt Guild Challenge, we had to use the Riley Blake fabric the Cottage Garden collection in a quilted item, challenging ourselves to make something we never have before.  
An isosceles triangle quilt has been on my to-do list forever, so I decided that was what I was going to make.  

I usually use EQ7 (Electronic Quilt) software to play with different layouts, fabrics, colors, and sizes before setting on a design to make, but I had no clue how to use EQ7 to design a triangle quilt.  I dove into the instruction manual (which is awesome by the way) and learned how to design a triangle quilt quickly and easily.  I would like to share that knowledge with you today.

To design a triangle quilt in EQ7:

1.  Within EQ7, select the tab "Quilt" at the top of the screen, then "New Quilt", then "One Patch Quilt"

2.  The new quilt that shows up will automatically default to a hexagon quilt.  Now select the tab "Layout" at the bottom of the screen.

3.  A One Patch Layout Screen will pop up.  Use the pull down menu on Patch style and select Thousand Pyramids.  (Note: by changing the patch style you can create other types of one patch quilts such as hexagon, diamond, and tumbler.)

4.  Now you just need to play with your dimensions and setting to get the type of triangle and the size quilt you would like.  I wanted an 
isosceles triangle so I set my width and height to be equal.  You can change the number of units in the horizontal direction and the vertical direction.

5.  Finally, you can design your quilt to have half triangles on the ends of the rows forming straight sides or design your quilt to have full triangles on the ends of the rows for a zigzag edge.  The straight side version is what comes up automatically, to get the zigzag sides, select the tab "Borders" at the bottom of the screen and press the Delete button to delete the border.

The design on the left has a border and the design on the right has no border.

I hope that this tutorial was helpful!  If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below or e-mail me and I will do my best to answer them.

I am linking up to Tips and Tutorials Tuesday over at the wonderful Late Night Quilter's blog.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Giveaway Winners Week 2 of the 2015 New Quilt Blogger Blog Hop

I am happy to announce the winners from the Week 2 giveaways for the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop.

Thanks again to our generous Week 2 sponsors of the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop: Aurifil, Pile O’Fabric, The Fat Quarter Shop, Meadow Mist Designs, and Quilting Jetgirl.

Without further ado, the 5 winners are:

(1) Sis Boom Aurifil Thread Collection from Aurifil goes to Sheila I.
(1) Parrot Fat Quarter Bundle (Solids) from Pile O’Fabric goes to Emma 
(1) $50 Gift Certificate from The Fat Quarter Shop goes to Sharon T.
(2) Patterns of your choice from Meadow Mist Designs goes to Carol Y.
(2) Patterns of your choice from Quilting Jetgirl goes to Afton W.

Below is a recap of all the wonderful posts from Week 2. We will be taking a 2 week break, and then the blog hop will resume on July 13th!

New Bees

Host: Cheryl @Meadow Mist Designs

Cristy @Love You Sew
Patty @Walnut Street Quilts
Sarah @Sarah Goer Quilts
Eileen @Eileen in Stitches

Sew Fabulous Hive

Host: Stephanie @Late Night Quilter

Erin @Twin Mom Quilts
Anja @Anja Quilts
Carrie B @Chopping Block Quilts
Adrian @Making It

Sewcial Swarm

Host: Terri Ann @Childlike Fascination

Wanda @Wanda’s Life Sampler (IG: wandaslifesampler)
Tish @Tish’s Adventures in Wonderland (IG: tishnwonderland)
Brianna @The Iron and Needle (IG: theironandneedle)
Sandra @The Bias Edge

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Midnight Mystery Quilt - My Fabric Selections

June's assignment for the Midnight Mystery quilt-a-long was to pick fabrics so I thought that I would share the fabrics I used the mystery quilt today.

(It is not too late to join! See the Mystery Quilt Tab above for all of the information.)

Here are the fabrics I am using...

Fabric Set A: Yellow/Greenish print - Denyse Schmidt - Chicopee Collection - Dotted Leaf in lime
Fabric Set B: Dark blue print - Lotta Jansdotter - Katya Navy
Fabric Set C: White solid - Kona White
Fabric Set D: Gray solid - Kona Ash

Quilters have been very active on our Facebook page, posting pictures of the fabrics they are planning on using or thinking about using.  It has been so much fun seeing the fabric everyone is going to be using.

Just remember that it is not too late to join in! (We also have the option of an un-mystery quilt for those that would like a sneak peek of the finished design).

The July instructions for cutting the fabrics will be posted (and e-mailed to the e-mail distribution list) on Thursday, July 2nd.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Sea Star Pattern Launch

I am excited to announce that I have another pattern called Sea Star now available! You can find the pattern in my pattern shop (digital and printed versions) and on Etsy.  

The Sea Star quilt pattern is a great combination of a plus sign block and a star block.  The pattern contains instructions for 5 different quilt sizes including baby, lap, twin, queen, and king as well as fabric requirements and cutting instructions for several different colorway versions of the design.
  • The first version (cover quilt) is made with fat quarters and/or ¼ yard cuts for the plus signs and half square triangles (HSTs) with a single fabric for the background.
  • The second version is a two-tone version using a single fabric for the plus signs and HSTs and a single fabric for the background.
  • The third version is a completely scrappy version, giving fabric piece amounts to create scrappy plus signs, HSTs, and/or background.

I had some absolutely wonderful quilty women pattern test and review for me and you can see all of their variations on the pattern below.  Seven of my testers are holding giveaways for the digital version of the pattern so you have 7 chances to win!
Please hop over to their blogs and enter :)  And now onto the parade...

Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts used yellow and orange fabrics in her baby sized version.  She used the same print within each grouping of 3 HST making a cool secondary star pattern.

Hayley @ Moobird Stitches used soft yellows and aquas to create an wonderful ombre effect in her baby sized version.

Shelley @ The Carpenters Daughter Who Quilts used some cute puppy print fabrics for the pluses and coordinating solids for the half square triangles.

Emilee @ (IG - Amelialoveskat) created a fun scrappy pieced version with tons of negative space.

Camille @ (IG - Camillesquilting) used pink solids against a low volume scrappy background to create this sweet lap sized quilt.

Anna @ (Fresh Dew Drops) used yellows for her half square triangles and gray for her plus signs.

Rita - used 30's reproduction fabrics with a pattern fabric for her background.

Lisa @ Sunlight in Winter Quilts is using a fun blue and yellow print combined with coordinating solids for the HST.

Jeanine used reds for her plus signs and blues for her HST for a red, white, and blue version.

Chelsea @ Patch the Giraffe used some cool colors in a sea theme for her quilt.  She made the baby version and added an extra row of blocks.

I want to also thank my reviewers Paige @ IG - Ptalexandersc, Pamela @ Ti Amo Quilts, and Michelle @ From Bolt to Beauty for reviewing the quilt math, pattern layout, and grammar for me.

Just as a reminder: You can find the pattern in my pattern shop (digital and printed versions) and on Etsy.  

Monday, June 22, 2015

New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop - New Bee Hive - Week 2 Plus Giveaway

Welcome to the second week of the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop where I get to introduce you to the next set of bloggers from my hive.  I hope you will take the time to visit each of the 4 hive member's blogs today:

Eileen @ eileeninstitches.blogspot.com/

We have 4 hosts, Yvonne @ Quilting Jetgirl, Stephanie @Late Night Quilter, Terri Anne @Childlike Fascinationand myself, each posting about several new bloggers for you to check out every Monday over the course of 4 weeks. 

In addition to checking out the hopper's blogs, check out these great new advice posts from seasoned veterans:
You can find all of the blogger's blog addresses from all of the hives right here.
    GIVEAWAY Week 2
    New Quilt Bloggers Week 2 Giveaway!
    We are so thankful to our generous sponsors of the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop. This week you can enter to win one of five fabulous prizes:

    You can earn up to 6 entries to this giveaway:
      Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter!

      Giveaway will run from June 22th through June 27th 11:59 pm EST and is open to entrants 18 years or older. Winners will be announced Sunday, June 28th!

      Sunday, June 21, 2015

      Giveaway Winners Week 1 of the 2015 New Quilt Blogger Blog Hop

      I am happy to announce the winners from the Week 1 giveaways for the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop.
      Giveaway Winners Week 1Thanks again to our generous Week 1 sponsors of the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop: AurifilPile O’FabricThe Fat Quarter ShopMeadow Mist Designs, and Quilting Jetgirl.
      Without further ado, the 5 winners are:
      Congratulations to our Week 1 Winners; emails have been sent to confirm your contact information!
      Below is a recap of all the wonderful posts from Week 1 and stay tuned, as Week 2 (with more great giveaways) kicks off tomorrow!

      New Bees

      Host: Cheryl @Meadow Mist Designs
      Quantum Quilters

      Host: Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl

      Nurdan @Hug-a-Bit Quilts (Instagram @hugabitquilts)
      Ali @Needle Down
      Denise @CrafTraditions
      Bernie @Needle and Foot (Instagram @kringleb)

      Sew Fabulous Hive

      Host: Stephanie @Late Night Quilter

      Sandra @Musings of A Menopausal Melon
      Tessa @Half Square Quilts
      Jinger @Trials of A Newbie Quilter
      Kelly @Quilting It Out
      Johanna @Sewing Time with Brownie

      Sewcial Swarm

      Host: Terri Ann @Childlike Fascination

      Jayne of Twiggy and Opal (Instagram @twiggyandopal)
      Robyn of Hoops & Thimbles
      Shayna of Wife. Mom Creator. (Instagram @shaynashipley)
      Francine of MochaWildChild (Instagram @mochawildchild)

      Friday, June 19, 2015

      Grande Scrappy Tiles Pattern Launch

      I am excited to announce that my newest pattern, Grande Scrappy Tiles, is now available! You can find the pattern in my pattern shop (digital and print versions) and on Etsy.

      Grande Scrappy Tiles is a super-sized version of my previous pattern Scrappy Tiles.  The original pattern was layer cake and scrap friendly (containing baby, toddler, and lap sizes) and so the pieces tended to be on the smaller side. 

      I have been asked multiple times if the pattern can be enlarged to a twin or queen size quilt. The regular Scrappy Tiles pattern can be used to create larger sized quilts, but the number of fabric pieces starts to get a little ridiculous. 

      To create the same look but with fewer pieces, I created Grande Scrappy Tiles, using the same block pattern as the regular Scrappy Tiles but making 24" square blocks instead of 12" square blocks. The result is the same great improvisational-looking quilt top only using many fewer fabric pieces.  The queen size quilt contains only 16 blocks.  

      Grande Scrappy Tiles contains cutting instructions for 1/4 yard cuts and fat quarters as well as scraps. This pattern is perfect for your fat quarter bundle with larger scale prints you don't want to chop up into small pieces.

      I had some absolutely wonderful quilty women pattern test and review for me and you can see all of their variations on the pattern below.  
      And now onto the parade...

      Shauna @ Shauna's World used all sorts of wonderful pinks and purples to make her quilt.

      Sandra @ Musings of a Menopausal Melon used some great pink floral prints along some coordinating colors and prints.

      Lisa @ Sunlight in Winter Quilts used red, blue, yellow, and black fabrics to make a fun primary color quilt.

      Shelley @ The Carpenter's Daughter Who Quilts made her version with some cute cowboy prints and plaid fabrics.

      Here is another version of Grande Scrappy Tiles my bee members made for me.

      I would also like to give thanks to my reviewers Paige @ IG - Ptalexandersc, Michelle @ From Bolt to Beauty, and Pamela @ Ti Amo Quilts. 

      Once again, you can find the pattern in my pattern shop (digital and print versions) and on Etsy

      Monday, June 15, 2015

      New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop - New Bee Hive - Week 1 Plus Giveaway

      Welcome to the first week of the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop Week 1 where I get to introduce you to the first set of bloggers from my hive.  I hope you will take the time to visit each of the 4 hive member's blogs today:

      Ashley @ www.craftyashleyb.com 

      In addition to checking out the hopper's blogs, check out these great new advice posts from seasoned veterans:
      You can find all of the blogger's blog addresses from all of the hives right here.

      And now onto the New Quilt Bloggers Week 1 Giveaway!

      We are so thankful to our generous sponsors of the 2015 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop. This week you can enter to win one of five fabulous prizes:
      (1) Kate Spain 50wt Aurifil Thread Collection from Aurifil
      (1) Parrot Fat Quarter Bundle from Pile O’Fabric
      (1) $50 gift certificate from The Fat Quarter Shop
      (2) Patterns of your choice from Meadow Mist Designs
      (2) Patterns of your choice from Quilting Jetgirl

      You can earn up to 6 entries to this giveaway:

      Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter!

      Giveaway will run from June 15th through June 20th 11:59 pm EST and is open to entrants 18 years or older. Winners will be announced Sunday, June 21st!

      Saturday, June 13, 2015

      2015 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop - Tip

      I have a little tip with regards to domain names is in the form of a little (okay a bit long) story ...

      Many people have some not so nice things to say about blogger and most things said are true; blogger does not play well with other blogging platforms like wordpress causing no-reply bloggers, it is not very versatile with layouts and plug-ins, you do not own your content (blogger could shut your blog down tomorrow if they felt like it).  However, all that being said, blogger actually has some very decent points.  It is free and super easy, no crazy html or coding.  If you can handle Microsoft Word, you can blog through blogger.  These were the reasons I decided to start my blog through blogger.

      I have been very happy with blogger and am not playing on migrating my blog anytime soon.  I always figured that if and when I decided to move over to a self hosted site, I would simply buy my domain name from one of the domain name sellers, hire some help, and move my blog over.

      Just for fun a few weeks ago, I looked up MeadowMistDesigns.com on GoDaddy.com as I do once a year and expected to see the familiar $12 for the first year message as I have every other time.  But this time was different, it told me that my domain name was taken and that I could select from a number of alternatives.  I was so confused, why would anyone have purchased my domain name?

      I did a little investigation and some site that just bumps you over to local advertisements had purchased the name.  They had the domain name up for auction for a minimum bid of $515 or a purchase of $800.  Even though I would probably never use it, it really kind of irks me that someone else now holds my domain name.  I guess that I am staying with my .blogspot.com address for while...

      So the moral of my little story is to consider buying your domain name when your blog is just starting out so it is ready and available to you should you ever need it (and no weird internet troll buys it and holds it ransom).

      Terri Ann of Childlike Fascination was super helpful taking information about the domain owner for me and planning next steps such as purchasing the .net version and a few other alternatives, thanks Terri Ann!

      Friday, June 12, 2015

      Cotton & Steel Mini Quilt Swap

      Back in February, I saw a new swap announced on Instragram for Cotton & Steel mini quilts.  I am very much a fan of Cotton & Steel and the deadline was way out in June so I quickly signed up.

      My assigned recipient of the mini indicated that she liked all of the Cotton & Steel fabrics, loved the color pink, and would be happy with whatever I made her.  That left things pretty wide open for me so I decided to try a new technique that had been on my list to try for while; the no-sew hexie.  I used Modern Handcraft's tutorial to make the mini quilt.  I decided to use 1" on a side hexagons, which are about 2" in diameter.

      I totally decided to cheat and not stitch my hexies into shape but instead just glue them onto the paper template.  I used a bit of glue stick to glue the fabric to the hexie pattern (just copy paper I printed and cut myself), then folded the fabric down on each side of the hexie and glued the folded fabric to the template.  Once they were dry I pressed them really well, ripped out the paper, and repressed them back into shape.  Not the most elegant, but it worked pretty well.

      Once I had my hexies done I started to audition them on different backgrounds.  I originally was going to use the cream with metallic grid-like pattern Cotton & Steel print, but I decided that there was not enough contrast.

      Next, I tried the hexies on some yarn dyed essex linen in black and loved it (I think that essex linen is the best background, such great texture).  Once I placed the hexies on the essex black, I decided to pull the flower print hexies out and add in some hexies made from the cream and metallic print was was originally going to be the background.

      I arranged and glued down the hexies on a quilt sandwich, then quilted like Nicole did in her tutorial.

      My mini finished up at about 15" x 20".  Now I just need to get the mini labeled and packaged up with some other goodies I have made and bought.  I hope the recipient loves it!  I will be back to post about the mini I receive :)

      I am linking up to Link a Finish FridayWhoop Whoop FridayThank Goodness Its Finished FridayFinish It Up FridayFabric Frenzy Fridayand Show Off Saturday @ Sew She Can.

      Also, just as a reminder, I just launch the Midnight Mystery Quilt (with an un-mystery quilt option) this month.  Check out this post to learn more and join in!