Sunday, April 30, 2023

Favorite Finish Monthly Linkup - April 2023

  Welcome to April's Favorite Finish Monthly Linkup!

My favorite finish for April was my Just Two Charm Pack Quilts book launch.  I was so happy to announce it to the world and offer the pre-sale bundle.  I've heard that the books are on their way and might even arrive a bit early :)

Ready for the party?  

Here is a reminder of the party details:
  • The linky party will open at 12:01am EST on the last day of the month and will be open for 5 days, through the 4th at 11:59 pm EST.
  • For instructions on how to link up blog, Instagram, or pictures from your computer (there is now a way to just upload a picture without a web link) to the party, click here.  
  • If linking a blog post, I ask that you please add a link back to the party.
  • Please visit at least 3 other links (and preferably leave comments) to share the love and celebration :)
I hope you join in by checking out the posts or linking your favorite finish of the month!



  1. That's so exciting that the books are already on their way to you!!

  2. Oh wow......early, that makes a change in these hard times. Looking forward to it arriving here in Oz. I'll link up with my one & only finish of a very old flimsy. Thanks for keeping us motivated. Take care & hugs.

  3. Congrats on another book Cheryl! Can't wait to help promote it!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!