Thursday, August 6, 2015

Midnight Mystery - August Instructions - Flying Geese

Welcome to the third month of instructions for the Midnight Mystery Quilt!  The first set of instructions posted in June were on fabric selection, and the second set of instructions posted in July were on cutting the fabrics (all links and other information can be found in the Mystery Quilts tab above). 

First, a Few Announcements:

1. Is it too late to join? - I have been asked a few time whether it is too late to join in.  It is definitely not too late! This is the first month of piecing so you can very easily catch up.  Also, the instructions for the mystery quilt will always be available on the blog (see Mystery Quilts tab above) so you can start at any time.

2.  Want instructions in an easier to print format? - Simply leave a comment below (with e-mail address if you are a no-reply blogger) or send me an e-mail at cheryljbrickey (at) gmail (dot) com to get on the e-mail distribution list.

3.  Share your progress - Don't forget to post pictures of the fabrics you have chosen and your in-progress pics to our very active Facebook group and on social media using the hashtag #MidnightMysteryQuilt.

4.  New Sponsors - I am so excited to announce that since the cutting instructions were sent out in July, the Midnight Mystery quilt-a-long got its 5th, 6th, and 7th sponsors!!!  The new prizes include bundles of fat quarters from Blank Quilting Corporation /Studio e, quilt patterns from Busy Hands Quilts, and quilting services from Quilting Among the Groves. Thank you so much to our wonderful sponsors!

And without further ado, who wants to start piecing?  This month we are going to make...a whole bunch of Flying Geese!  I will admit that flying geese are not my favorite quilting block to piece, so I figured we would do them first and get them out of the way.

We will be using Fabric C and Fabric D for these geese and will be using the no-waste method to make them.  Just as a reminder, in the illustrations for the quilt instructions, Fabric C will be represented by the color purple and Fabric D will be represented by the color white.

For those that have never used the no-waste method to make flying geese, if you need additional help there are tons of videos on YouTube showing the technique, simply search "no-waste flying geese".

Combine 9 Fabric C squares (7 ¼” x 7 ¼”) and 36 Fabric D squares (4” x 4”) to form 36 Flying Geese Units (6 ½” x 3 ½”) using the No Waste Flying Geese method outlined below.  (In this method, a set of 1 Fabric C square and 4 Fabric D squares will yield 4 flying geese.)

1.         Place two of the Fabric D squares (4” x 4”) on opposite corners of a Fabric C square (7 ¼” x 7 ¼”) right sides together.  (The Fabric D squares will overlap in the middle of the Fabric C square.)  Use a removable marking device to make a line diagonally across the Fabric D squares (solid line).

2.         Sew scant ¼” seam on either side of the marked line (dotted lines) and then cut on the marked line (solid line).

3.         Press seams towards the Fabric D squares. (You will have two of these intermediate units.)  For each intermediate unit, place a Fabric D square on the corner the Fabric C square right sides together.  Draw a diagonal line on the Fabric D square (solid line) and sew a scant ¼” on either side of the marked line (dotted lines).

4.         Cut on the marked line (solid line) and press seams open or towards the Fabric D squares.  (Each set of 1 Fabric C square and 4 Fabric D squares will yield 4 flying geese.)  Repeat 

Repeat to form a total of 36 Flying Geese Units (You will be using 34 of the Flying Geese Units in the quilt).  Cut off tabs (also known as dog ears) and trim blocks to 6 ½” x 3 ½” if necessary, making sure that there is ¼” between the point of the Fabric C and the edge of the unit.

A Few Additional Announcements:

1.  Button - I have made a button for the mystery quilt :)  If you decide to join in on the quilt-a-long and have a blog I would love it if you posted the button.
Meadow Mist Designs Mystery Quilt 

2.  The Un-Mystery Quilt - Want to join in the fun but making a mystery quilt is not your thing?  If you would like to see the final pattern to decide whether to join in, or to help pick colors; simply e-mail me and I will send you a sneak peak (the only rule is that you have to keep the design completely to yourself as to not spoil anyone else's surprise).

3.  Share your progress - Don't forget to post pictures of the fabrics you have chosen and your in-progress pics to our very active Facebook group and on social media using the hashtag #MidnightMysteryQuilt.

Many thanks to our wonderful Midnight Mystery sponsors!


  1. I love making flying geese by this method. I'm so excited to actually make a start on this

  2. Such a great way to make flying geese! Thanks!

  3. I think this is the best way and less stressful way to make flying geese. Since learning this my eye now is "attracted" to quilt patterns that incorporate a lot of them.

  4. Awesome! Let the fun begin for August!

  5. This will be a fun project. My ocd is coming out ... in step 1, the D squares overlap, not the C squares. Is that right? I'm getting confused. :-)

  6. I have a sew day with the girls on Saturday, so will be working on my flying geese. I've never used this method before and am looking forward to giving it a try.

  7. Whoowho! I look forward to getting the instructions each month, Cheryl. And holy cow - congratulations on so many people joining in this year; that is really awesome.

  8. Could you please send me the "sneak peak" I can keep a secret!!

    1. Hi Patty, you are a no-reply blogger so I have no way of sending you a sneak peek. Please comment with your e-mail address or e-mail me at cheryljbrickey (at) gmail (dot) com and I will send you one. Thanks.

  9. I'd love an easier format

  10. I too would like to have the easier print format. Thank you,

  11. I have several color combos picked out, can I get a sneak peek? I can't decide where to place background and focus. Thanks .

  12. Fabric is almost all cut,so I can get started on this step tonight. I'm looking forward to seeing this quilt come together.

  13. Cheryl, may I please have the instructions via email? I have my fabric cut, and I'm ready to start. (All fabric from stash - seeing it used "mysteriously" will be fun.)

  14. Can't wait to see how this one unfold. I promised myself that I wouldn''t start a new project this year until I finished the ones I started. I just had to let you know that you are making it very difficult :)

    -Soma @

  15. This looks like fun - I'd like to join. Would you be able to email me the print instructions? frappy at gmail dot com.

  16. Thanks for commenting on my quilt on my blog, because it brought me here. After reading about your mystery quilt, I think I will give it a try. As I show the progress of my quilt, I'll show it on my blog along with your button. Not sure I'll show up on FB since I remain somewhat anonymous in blog world and not on FB. Thank-you for offering this free Mystery Quilt challenge!


  17. Finally found the directions . Excited to start sewing


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!