Hi and welcome to the first set of instructions for the Foothills Mystery Quilt-A-Long! These instructions will cover the intro to the quilt as well as fabric selections and requirements.
Each month's instructions can be found in the tab above.
Just a reminder on the Mystery Quilt:
*Update - I forgot to add in this post that the finished quilt will be 54”
x 72”,
a nice lap sized quilt.**
I designed this mystery
quilt to be at an advanced beginner level containing half square triangles,
square in a square, and basic patchwork.
(There is no applique, Y-seams, or paper piecing in the pattern.)
The mystery quilt-a-long
will begin in July 2014 and end with a quilt reveal in April 2015 (approximate
end date). Instructions will be sent out the weekend following the first Thursday of each month.
For this pattern, the width of fabrics (WOF) is assumed to be at least 41 inches and a scant quarter
inch (a thread width smaller than 1/4”) seam is to be used throughout the
construction of the quilt.
The quilt construction
instructions are different from typical patterns so that the design of the
finished quilt remains a mystery as long as possible.
questions – please contact me at cheryljbrickey (at) gmail (dot) com
Quilt Fabric Selections
This quilt requires three sets of fabrics.
Fabric Set A
Main fabrics forming the main “design” of
the quilt
Shown as blues and greens in the
Fabric Set B
Background fabrics
Shown as white in the instructions^
Fabric Set C
Highlight fabrics. These fabrics form a smaller portion of the
quilt pattern
Shown as dark gray in the instructions^
for the instructions to follow in future months
For each of these fabric
sets (A, B, and C), you may use a single fabric or a combination of fabrics for
a more scrappy quilt top. The most
important thing about selecting the fabric sets is to insure that there is good
contrast between each of the fabric sets.
For my quilt, I am using a
large number of fabrics for fabric set A and one fabric each for sets B and C.
Fabric Requirements
The fabric yardages listed below can be fulfilled by a
single fabric or a combination of fabrics that equal the yardages listed. (If
using smaller scraps you may need slightly more yardage due to cutting waste.)
Set A – 1¾ yards
Set B – 3 yards
Set C – ⅝ yard