Thursday, December 28, 2023

My Best of 2023

Hi and welcome to my stop on the Best of 2023 blog linky party!  I had such fun going through my posts and quilty accomplishments from the year to figure out what to highlight today.  It was a great way for me to review the year and revisit some finishes from earlier in the year that I had forgotten about.  I'm looking forward to 2024, how about you?

1.  Just Two Charm Pack Quilts Book Launch

My third book, Just Two Charm Pack Quilts, launched in late May of 2023.  The launch and book hop were a ton of work and filled most of my late spring and summer, but I am so happy with how everything went.  We are kicking off the quilt along for the book starting on January 2nd, I hope you will join in!

2.  Pattern Launches

In addition to the book, I launched 8 stand alone patterns throughout the year.  They were Olive & Hazel, Looking Glass, Montgomery, Windmill, Cathedral Window Pincushions, Tea Leaves, Festive Bows, and The Quilt in the Hat.  Which is your favorite?

3.  Mystery Quilt Alongs

The Melodic Mystery finished up in the spring of 2023 and the Malted Mystery kicked off in July (it finishes up in May of 2024).  I love these big quilt alongs, especially their relaxed monthly pace and the sneak peek option.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!  I hope you will consider linking up your favorite posts from 2023 or stopping by to see other blogger's best of 2023 posts!  You can visit the Best of post right here.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Best of 2023 of Linky Party

Welcome to the Best of 2023 Linky Party! 
 This is the eighth annual "Best of" blog party to share your and read others top posts of 2023.

Please enjoy the best of posts below and leave a comment for the blogger, your kind words will bring a smile to their face.

To include your blog in the link party, simply write a new blog post highlighting your "best" posts from 2023 and linkup.  There is no set way or rules to pick your best, you can pick and highlight your posts anyway you would like.  Some examples include:
  • Posts with the most views
  • Posts with the most comments
  • Posts that provoked the best discussions
  • Posts showing your favorite 2023 finishes
  • Posts of your best tutorials
  • Posts that are simply your favorites
I invite you to grab a cup of tea, coffee, apple cider, or your favorite blog reading beverage, relax, and have some fun reading the best blog posts of 2023 :)

The link up is open now through January 2nd.

Please note that this year end party will take the place of the Favorite Finishes Monthly Linkup, so there will be no monthly linkup for December.





Monday, December 11, 2023

Best of 2023 Linky Party Coming Soon

It is no secret that I love blog link parties.  One of the main reasons I started my blog was so that I could take part in the sharing of knowledge and inspiration through the parties and so I am very excited to announce that I am hosting my ninth annual blog linky party, the Best of 2023 Linky Party!

Please note that this year end party will take the place of the Favorite Finishes Monthly Linkup, so there will be no monthly linkup for December.

To take part in the link party, simply write a new blog post highlighting your "best" 5 posts from 2023 and linkup.  There is no set way or rules to pick your best, you can pick and highlight your posts anyway you would like.  Some examples include:
  • Posts with the most views
  • Posts with the most comments
  • Posts that provoked the best discussions
  • Posts showing your favorite finishes
  • Posts of your best tutorials
  • Posts that are simply your favorites
This post is not only a great way to find new readers, it is also wonderful to be able to highlight some of your best posts for those readers who have joined your blog throughout the year.

The link party will open the day after Christmas on Tuesday, December 26th and will be open for one week ending on Tuesday, January 2nd.

While you are waiting for this linky party to start up, you can take a look through the Best of 2015-2022.  Thanks!

Starting in January, the Favorite Finish monthly link-up will be moving to a new home, my good friend Yvonne's blog, Quilting Jetgirl.  More details to come in January.


Thursday, December 7, 2023

Malted Mystery ++ December Instructions

Welcome to the December set of instructions for the Malted Mystery Quilt! 

The Malted Mystery Quilt is a free quilt-along that runs from July 2023 through May 2024 with a set of directions revealed the first Thursday of every month. Be sure to join the Facebook Group to share your progress or share on social media using #MaltedMysteryQuilt.

There is plenty of time to join in on the quilt along, instructions are published monthly. You can find all of the information about the Malted Mystery, including schedule, past instructions, links to the Facebook group, sneak peek, and more in the Main Malted Mystery Quilt Page.

December's instructions should take less time than other months as I know that many people's Decembers are very full and busy.

Easy to Print PDF Instructions

Now that the Malted Mystery quilt along has ended, you can find a easy to print, full version of the pattern for sale in my pattern shop: Easy to Print Version of Malted Mystery Quilt.

Pinwheel Units 

Combine the following pieces to make pinwheel blocks 4 ½" x 4 ½". 

1.  Arrange the following units according to the illustration. 
4 A/bg HST units 2 ½" x 2 ½"

2. Sew together the units into rows, then sew the rows together, pressing all seams open, to make an A pinwheel unit 4 ½" x 4 ½". 

3. Repeat to make a total of 8 A pinwheel units.

4. Repeat using B/bg HST units to make a total of 8 B pinwheel units. 

5. Repeat using C/bg HST units to make a total of 8 C pinwheel units. 

Pinwheel Blocks

Combine the following units to make pinwheel blocks 4 ½" x 12 ½".

1. Arrange the following units according to the illustration.
1 A pinwheel block 4 ½" x 4 ½"
1 B pinwheel block 4 ½" x 4 ½"
1 C pinwheel block 4 ½" x 4 ½"

2. Sew together the pinwheel units, pressing all seams open, to make a pinwheel block 4 ½" x 12 ½".
3. Repeat to make a total of 8 pinwheel blocks.

Many thanks to the generous sponsors of the Malted Mystery Quilt!

Many thanks to our generous sponsors!

Any questions? Leave them in a comment below or post them to our Facebook group page. I look forward to seeing everyone's cut fabrics. The next set of instructions will be published on the first Thursday of December 7th.