Thursday, December 26, 2019

Best of 2019 Linky Party

Welcome to the Best of 2019 Linky Party! 
 This is the fifth annual "Best of" blog party to share your and read others top posts of 2019.

To take part in the link party, simply write a new blog post highlighting your "best" 5 posts from 2019 and linkup.  There is no set way or rules to pick your best, you can pick and highlight your posts anyway you would like.  Some examples include:
  • Posts with the most views
  • Posts with the most comments
  • Posts that provoked the best discussions
  • Posts showing your favorite 2019 finishes
  • Posts of your best tutorials
  • Posts that are simply your favorites
I invite you to grab a cup of tea, coffee, apple cider, or your favorite blog reading beverage, relax, and have some fun reading the best blog posts of 2019 :)

The link party now through Thursday, January 2nd.

Please note that this year end party will take the place of the Favorite Finishes Monthly Linkup, so there will be no monthly linkup for December.


  1. I'm really looking forward to using this as a way to catch up on things I missed while traveling this year. Thanks for hosting again!

  2. Thanks for the opportunity to review and share.

  3. Hi Cheryl can you remind me of when the favourite finishes link up is. I keep missing it.

  4. Why isn't it possible to click on the "linked" pictures and go to their blogs? I would love to see what these quilters are making, but none of the "links" are "hot".

  5. It's always educational and sometimes surprising to go back and look at the post with the top views or the largest number of comments. Thanks for hosting the linky party again this year.

  6. I'm really enjoying reading through these! Thanks for hosting!!!!

  7. Thank you Cheryl. It's such a fun way to re-live the past year with all my blogging friends!

  8. This is always a favorite link-up for the year! Thanks for hosting!

  9. Thank you Cheryl for hosting this fun linky party!! Such a fun exercise in making my selections and chance to connect & celebrate with other bloggers!

  10. I've linked up! Thank you for hosting. I will enjoy seeing the other's posts ~

  11. I didn't play along this year. :( I took some vacation time to spend with my nieces while they were here and just to relax. Here's to a great 2020!!


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