I am excited to be part of the Passport to Quilting, a totally free event full of quilty goodness. When you sign up for the event you will get access to 20+ quilt patterns and projects from some of the top quilt designers.
Here's what you'll find in the FREE Bundle...
11 Quilt Patterns from some of the
most creative quilt designers out there.
10 Quilty Projects that are fun
and creative.
Fun and Simple Sewing Projects
20+ Inspirational Quilt Designers
How it Works
Go to the Passport to Quilting Page.
Click the orange Enroll Button and
add your name and email.
● Receive an email with details on how to login to the site and get immediate access to the Bundle information and details.
Visit all of the designers' pages within the event amazing free patterns and projects. Each designer's page includes a link to their pattern shop (along with a coupon code) and a link to download their free pattern.
The coupon code to my shop is "quiltingpassport", good for 15% off all digital quilt patterns now through June 9th.
NOTE: By joining the event you will have access to 20+ free quilting and sewing patterns and you will be signed up for each of the designer's newsletters for even more quilty goodness :)

Ooh, sounds so good, but do I or don't I? Big decision and I'll think on it today. Have a lovely weekend, take care & hugs.