Friday, May 20, 2022

Just One Charm Pack Quilt Along - Linkup

Many quilters are finishing their quilt tops and quilts from the Just One Charm Pack Quilts so I wanted to open up the linkup for the quilt along.

You can link up ANY quilt top or quilt from the Just One Charm Pack Quilts book.  Quilts made ANYTIME (before or during the quilt along) can be linked up.  It will be so much fun to see everyone's quilts all together.

How to Linkup

1.    Email me a picture of your quilt.


2.    Upload your picture of your quilt to this link-up party.  Be sure to click the "Enter without link" button (circled in red), enter a name for your quilt, and upload a picture (note that this works better on a computer than a mobile device).

The quilt parade will be posted on June 2nd but I will be leaving the linkup party open so you can add your quilt or quilt top at any time.

Be sure to show off your progress in the Facebook Group and/or on Social Media using #JustOneCharmPackQuilts or #JustOneCharmPackQuiltsBook.



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