Sunday, October 27, 2024

Charity Quilt Sale

Hi from Greenville, South Carolina! The hurricane Helene visited us here a few weeks ago. Our damage was not near as bad as Asheville and Western North Carolina, but we had some flooding along widespread power outages from thousands of downed trees.

We were very lucky in our house that we escaped with almost no damage to our property and our power came back on within a day. Most of my friends were out of power and internet for over a week. School was shut down for 8 days.

One of the affected local organizations was Greenville Animal Care. They were without power to take care of all of their animals for over a week. Many people came to the rescue fostering animals and the Greenville Humane Society (which did have power) took over 100 animals to their facility.

I love supporting both of these agencies as they provide free TNR (trap-neuter-release), low cost spays and vaccinations, provide pet food to those who cannot afford it, and run excellent adoption agencies.

To support these two organizations, I am having a charity sample quilt sale from my book, Just One Charm Pack Quilts.

100% of the profit from the sale of these quilts will be split between Greenville Animal Care and the Greenville Humane Society.

See all of the charity quilts here.

Here are my cats that I have adopted...

Reeses (6 years old) - from Greenville Animal Care

Oreo (6 years old) - from the Greenville Humane Society

Piper (5 years old) - from the Greenville Humane Society

Turtle (2 years old) - from a parking lot :)

I hope that you will join me in supporting these two worthy organizations.  Here are a few of the quilts that are included in the charity sale.

You can find all of the charity quilts for sale here.

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