Thursday, March 14, 2024

Malted Mystery ++ Link Up Directions

 Malted Mystery Quilt Along - Reveal Parade Linkup Instructions

I am excited to already been seeing some fabulous Malted Mystery quilt tops!  Below are the instructions on how to be entered into the reveal parade and be eligible for prizes. 

The Malted Mystery quilt linkup deadline is Thursday, May 2nd at midnight (EDT).

Remember, you can always find all of the information and posts about the quilt along on the Malted Mystery Quilt Page.

The Reveal parade (and prizes) post will be posted on Thursday, May 16th.  

On May 2nd, the pdf links from the posts will be removed.  The instructions will always be available in the blog posts and a full, easily printable version of the pattern will be available in my pattern shop.


Two Ways to Link Up

1.  Link up into the linky party directly using the link here.  If you have any problems with the linkup (can't get it to work, your image is sideways, etc.) skip to option 2.

2.  E-mail a picture of your quilt top / quilt to I am happy to load your picture into the party.  

Please let me know if you are outside of the US.  More than half of the prizes are available for everyone around the world.


  • Do I need to finish my quilt (quilted and bound) to take part in the parade and be eligible for prizes? 
    • No, you can enter pictures of completed quilt tops or finished quilts.
  • I posted my quilt picture to Facebook / Instagram / my blog, am I entered into the parade? 
    • No, you must link up your picture to be eligible. I will help you if you have any problems (
  • How are the prizes given out? 
    •  All prizes are given out randomly to quilters who participate in the reveal parade.
  • I loved the mystery quilt so much I made two (or more) versions, can I link up both of them? 
    •  Yes! You can link up all of the quilt tops and/or finished quilts you made from the Malted Mystery quilt and each quilt gets an entry into the prize drawing.
  • I changed up the design (added borders, arranged blocks differently, changed size, etc), can I still enter the reveal parade for prizes?
    • Yes!  Any and all Malted Mystery variations are eligible for prizes.



Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Just Two Charm Pack Quilt Along - Parade!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Just Two Charm Pack Quilts quilt along!  Seeing so many versions of the designs is so much fun.  And so many of the participants made two or more quilts from the book!

The parade is still open so you can add your quilt to the parade anytime over the next year (you can also email me a picture at and I will upload it for you).

Here is the Quilt Parade, such beautiful finishes :)

 Prize winners (winners have been notified by email):

  • Longarm quilting from Quilted Ever After - #102 Jennifer Y.
  • Prize Pack #1 from Meadow Mist Designs of a charm pack, thread, and patterns - #75 Elysia A.
  • Prize Pack #2 from Meadow Mist Designs of a charm pack, thread, and patterns - #89 Beth F.
  • Digital book from C&T of winner's choice - #31 Sherry S.
  • Digital book from C&T of winner's choice - #25 Stacey L.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Malted Mystery ++ March Instructions

Welcome to the March set of instructions, the final instructions for the Malted Mystery Quilt! 

It's Quilt Reveal Time! 

I hope that you love the design! The reveal parade is not until May so there is plenty of time to get caught up or even start. 

You can find all of the information about the Malted Mystery, including schedule, past instructions, links to the Facebook group, sneak peek, and more in the Main Malted Mystery Quilt Page.

The Malted Mystery Quilt is a free quilt-along that runs from July 2023 through May 2024 with a set of directions revealed the first Thursday of every month. Be sure to join the Facebook Group to share your progress or share on social media using #MaltedMysteryQuilt.

Easy to Print PDF Instructions

Now that the Malted Mystery quilt along has ended, you can find a easy to print, full version of the pattern for sale in my pattern shopEasy to Print Version of Malted Mystery Quilt.

Third Pieced Section

1. Sew together the following blocks, pressing the seams open or away from the pinwheel blocks, to make a row 4 ½" x 54 ½".

2 pinwheel blocks 4 ½" x 12 ½"
2 T blocks 4 ½" x 9 ½"
1 I-beam block 4 ½" x 12 ½"

Note the orientations of the pinwheel and T blocks.

2. Repeat to make a total of 4 rows.

3. Two of these rows will be used as side rows 4 ½" x 54 ½".

4. Sew a plus block 4 ½" x 4 ½" on either end of a row from step 1 to make a top/bottom row 4 ½" x 62 ½".  Repeat to make a second top/bottom row.

5. Sew a side row 4 ½" x 54 ½" onto either side of the quilt top 54 ½" x 54 ½", pressing the seams open or away from the side rows.

6. Sew a top/bottom row 4 ½" x 62 ½" onto the unit from step 5, pressing the seams open or away from the top/bottom rows.  

The quilt top, after the third pieced section is added, should measure 62 ½" x 62 ½".

PIECING TIP: If your rows are too large or too small compared to the quilt top, you can use the illustration below to add or take away length to the rows.  


1. Cut 8 fabric D strips 2 ½" x WOF.

2. Sew together 2 fabric D strips 2 ½" x WOF and trim to 62 ½" to make a side border 2 ½" x 62 ½".  Repeat to make a second side border.

3. Sew borders onto the sides of the quilt, pressing seams open or towards the borders.  

4. Sew together 2 fabric D strips 2 ½" x WOF and trim to 66 ½" to make a top/bottom border 2 ½" x 66 ½".  Repeat to make a second top/bottom border.

5. Sew borders onto the top and bottom of the quilt, pressing seams open or towards the borders.  

The quilt top should measure 66 ½" x 66 ½". 


1. Make backing: Remove selvages from backing fabric, cut into 2 pieces approx. 76" x WOF and sew backing pieces together along the trimmed selvage edges using a ½" seam, pressing the seam open. Trim backing to approx. 75" x 75".

2. Layer the quilt top, batting, and backing. Baste and quilt as desired.

3. Cut the binding fabric into 7 strips 2 ½" x WOF. Trim off selvages and sew together end-to-end to make the binding. Bind and enjoy your quilt!

Share Your Quilt

You can share your in-progress and finished pictures of your mystery quilt on the Meadow Mist Designs Facebook group: and on Instagram and other social media using #MaltedMysteryQuilt and #MeadowMistDesigns.

The instructions to link up your quilt top / finished quilts for the reveal parade will be posted next week.

Many thanks to the generous sponsors of the Malted Mystery Quilt!

Many thanks to our generous sponsors!

Any questions? Leave them in a comment below or post them to our Facebook group page. I look forward to seeing finished quilt tops!