Monday, October 15, 2018

Announcing the Fall 2018 Tips and Tutorials Festival

Mark your calendars! Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl and I are excited to announce that we are co-hosing the Fall 2018 Tips and Tutorials Festival in November.

The goal of the Tips and Tutorials Festival is to share and celebrate all the wonderful online tutorials that the quilting community has created recently. You can submit up to 4 tutorials during the Fall 2018 Festival, and there are going to be 2 categories:
  • Block and Quilt Tutorials 
  • Other Tutorials (Sewing, Other Sewn/Quilted Items, Quilting Tutorials) 
We encourage fresh, new content, so we ask that you link up posts that have been published since November 2017 (within the past year). 

We will be sharing more details about the festival and how you can participate on November 1st. If you have been thinking about sharing a tutorial, now is the time to write it!

Tips and Tutorials Schedule
  • Monday, November 12 – Submissions Open 
  • Friday, November 16 – Submissions Close 
  • Saturday, November 17 – Voting Opens 
  • Tuesday, November 20 – Voting Closes 
  • ~~ Happy Thanksgiving! ~~ 
  • Monday, November 26 – Winners Announced 

We look forward to learning from you and hope you will link up and visit the festival!


  1. Looking forward to this event again. It is always good to learn something new.

  2. I can’t wait to be inspired by everyone. Thanks for being an awesome co-host!

  3. It’s that time again? Time. What a mind boggling concept. I’m all for adding a few more hours to each morning. Looking forward!

  4. Sounds like fun! I may not have time to get a tutorial written, but I'll definitely come by to learn a few new tricks.

  5. Looking forward to it once again!

  6. Wonderful, I so enjoyed the last one, even though I was late.


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