Yesterday I posted a tutorial about how where to find and download fabric images from the internet and how to organize them on your computer. Today I am going to show you how to get those images into EQ7.
To import pictures from your computer into EQ7, follow these 4 steps:
Step 1 - Click on the "Libraries" tab and then "Fabric Library...". This will bring up the Fabric Libraries window.
Step 2 - In the Fabric Libraries window, click on the "Import" button and select "From Image Files". This will bring up the Import from Fabric Scans window.
Step 3 - Using your organized fabric files (more on how to organize them here), select the single image file you want and press Open or select an image file within a folder and then Ctrl-A (press Ctrl key and the A key at the same time) to select all of the files within the folder and press Open.
Step 4 - You will be brought back to the Fabric Libraries window and your fabrics you imported will show up on the right side of the window under the heading "Import Results". (Don't stop here because your fabrics are not yet in your project).
Click on one of the fabric images within the Fabric Libraries window, press Ctrl-A again to select all of the fabric images and then click the "Add to Sketchbook" button.
Your fabric images will now show up in your Sketchbook Fabrics and Colors window (that pops up when you are coloring a block or quilt) at the end of the fabrics in the "Fabrics" tab.
And now you can play with your fabrics!
Bonus tip - If you have already imported fabrics into one EQ7 file and want to use them in another file, in Step 2 you can select "From Project" instead and all of the fabrics in that project (both EQ7 standards and your additional ones) will show up in the "Import Results" area.
Simply select the ones you want to import (holding the Ctrl key down clicking on the fabrics allows for you to select multiple images) and press the "Add to Sketchbook" button.
I hope you find these tutorials helpful! Please e-mail me or leave a comment with any EQ topics you would like me to cover.

I've just started using EQ7, so this is perfect information for me, Cheryl. It will be nice to play with other fabrics, rather than the "factory" library. Thanks for the great tutorial!