Thursday, April 28, 2022

Just One Charm Pack Quilt Along - Week 1 - Cutting


I hope that you are as excited as I am for the official kick off to the Just One Charm Pack Quilt Along?  I hope that this will be a fun and casual quilt along that will last 5 weeks.  At the end of the quilt along, we will put all of the quilt top / quilt pictures together so we can see all of the wonderful versions of the quilts!

The quilt along will focus on Blossom Chains, Star Surround, and Medallion, but if you would like to make another quilt from the book during the quilt along that is awesome too!

I put a tentative schedule for each of the three official patterns along with schedules for two other patterns that I have heard quilters were making.  If you are making another quilt from the book and would like me to put a schedule together for it, just let me know (cheryl@meadow-mist-designs).

If you would like to join in and don't have the book yet, you can get a copy in my pattern shop or on Amazon.

The Quilt Along starts today with the first week used for fabric cutting (for every pattern in the book). 

Be sure to show off your cut fabrics in the Facebook Group and/or on Social Media using #JustOneCharmPackQuilts or #JustOneCharmPackQuiltsBook.

A note for cutting for the Medallion quilt - if you are nervous that your borders using the half square triangles may not come out to the exact measurement in the book, I would suggest not cutting your fabric A yet.  Then you can cut your fabric A to size while making the borders.

Note for cutting for the Blossom Chains quilt - You will be cutting your charm squares in half vertically and horizontally to make 4 squares 2 ½".  Before you cut, measure your charm squares to make sure they are really 5".  I have been finding that many charm packs recently are slightly over 5" so I would suggest trimming to a true 5" before cutting into 4 squares.

Because Blossom Chains uses 2 ½" squares, this is also a perfect pattern for your leftover jelly rolls and smaller scraps.

Bonus Pattern Schedules - Here are schedules for Ninja and Fishies too.  If you would like another quilt schedule added, just let me know.

I look forward to seeing everyone's quilts come together!!

Monday, April 25, 2022

Melodic Mystery Quilt-Along Announcement!!!

I am very excited to announce that the next mystery quilt, the Melodic Mystery Quilt, will begin in just over two months on Thursday, July 7th! 

The Melodic Mystery Quilt is a free quilt-along that will run from July 2022 through April 2023 with a set of directions revealed the first Thursday of every month.

We will kick off the quilt-along on Thursday, July 7th with the fabric requirements and some helpful hints to pick fabrics and colors (you will have an entire month to gather fabrics before the cutting instructions in August).

Here are some more details about the upcoming mystery quilt...

Quilt-along Instructions -The monthly instructions (always on the first Thursday of each month) will be posted to my blog as blog posts (and can always be found on this page as well as in the Mystery Quilt tab above) and within each instructional post, there will be a link to an easy to print, downloadable version of the instructions.

The Un-Mystery Quilt - Want to join in the fun but making a mystery quilt is not your thing? I totally understand and will offer a sneak peek of the design!

This year's sneak peek will be run a little differently, there will be no need to sign-up for the sneak peek and it will not be emailed out.  The sneak peek will be available as a linked document right on the blog starting July 7th.

The only rule is that you have to keep the design completely to yourself as to not spoil anyone else's surprise.

Facebook Group - We have 8,600 active members in our Facebook Group (Meadow Mist Designs Facebook Group) sewing together! Join the group today so you can share and see everyone else's fabric, progress pictures, and finished quilts.


Friday, April 15, 2022

Just One Charm Pack Quilts - Quilt Along

 Let's Quilt Along!

Over on the Facebook Group I asked if there was any interest in doing a mini, more casual quilt along between the Macaron Mystery quilt and the next mystery quilt (kicking off in July).  The poll was a resounding yes and respondents voted to make a quilt from the Just One Charm Pack Quilts book.

There were three patterns from the book right at the top of the number of votes so this quilt along is going to focus on those three: Blossom Chains, Medallion, and Star Surround.  But this is a super fun quilt along so if you would like to make one of the other patterns from the book, go for it :)

The Three "Official" Patterns

Once again, if you would like to join in using one of the other book patterns, that is fine too!!  Or if you can't decide between two quilts, you can make them both :)

Quilt Along Schedule

Friday, April 15th - Announcement & time to get fabric and book
Thursday, April 28th - Official Kick Off 
Thursday, June 2nd - Quilt Parade

So we have about 2 weeks to gather fabric (and the book if you need it) and then we will sew the quilt over about a month.  At the official kick off I will be posting an approximate cutting/piecing schedule for each of the three patterns.

Just One Charm Pack Quilts Book

If you would like to take part in the quilt along and need a copy of the Just One Charm Pack Quilts book, I am offering a special quilt along deal... if you purchase a signed book from my shop you will get two additional stand alone patterns (a $24 value) for free now through May 28th.

How to take part in the deal:

1.  Add the Just One Charm Pack Quilts book to your cart.
2.  Add any two patterns (digital or print) to your cart.
3.  During checkout, use the code TOGETHER which will take off $24 from the price (making the patterns free).

If you have any questions or problems with the purchase or coupon, you can reach me at

** Shipping - The books and patterns will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail and shipping within the US is $8.00.  Please contact me for shipping outside of the US

** Outside of US deal - If you are outside of the US and would like to take a part and purchase a book locally, I have a special bonus for you.  Just contact me.

You can also purchase the book from Amazon...

Share Your Progress 

You can share your fabrics picks and progress:

Social Media Hashtag #JustOneCharmPackQuiltsBook


If you have any questions about the quilt along, schedule, book, coupon code, etc., you can leave the question in a comment below or reach me at

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Macaron Mystery ++ Reveal Parade and Prizes

Thank you to all of the quilters that joined in on the Macaron Mystery Quilt Along!  Today is the reveal parade and prizes will be awarded.

If you would like to make a Macaron Mystery Quilt, you can start at any time, the instructions will always be posted as blog posts!  Find out all about the quilt along here.  

Now that the Macaron Mystery Quilt has ended, you can find a easy to print, full version of the pattern for sale in my pattern shop.

Without further are the ALMOST 200 Macaron Mystery Quilts...

Here are the prize winners (winners randomly selected from quilts submitted to the linkup).  Learn more about the sponsors here.  Winners should have received an e-mail from me.

Quilting Jetgirl: Two winners of 2 pdf patterns each
Link #75 - Jackie S.
Link #114 - Maggie S.

InkTorrents Graphics: 2 winners - each winning a set of star quilt pattern greeting cards
Link #20 - Pam Burger
Link #19 - 
Brewstitched: $50 gift certificate
Link #42 - Carol's entry

Cotton Cuts: Cotton Cuts Classic, Modern Maker, or Java Box
Link #145 - Flutterby sparkle


 Fat Quarter Shop: $35 gift certificate

Aurifil: 12 large spool thread collection

Quilt Pattern Mart: $40 gift certificate
Link #135 - Kellie B.

Busy Hands Quilts: Three winners of $25 gift certificates each
Link #163 - Rita V.
Link #70 - Bambi P.
Link #156 - Sue K.

Backside Fabrics: $50 gift certificate
Link #32 - 

Quilting by Anne-Marie: $85 voucher for longarm quilting of mystery (or equivalent) quilt

Sew Colorado Quilting, LLC: Voucher for longarm quilting of mystery (or equivalent) quilt
Link #110 - Marsha B

Meadow Mist Designs: Two winners of 2 pdf patterns each
Link #94 - Suzanne E.
Link #176 - Cheryl T.

Thanks again for taking part in the Macaron Mystery Quilt and thank you again to all of our wonderful sponsors!


Thursday, April 7, 2022

Macaron Mystery ++ My Version

The Macaron Mystery is wrapping up and I am happy to share my version of the quilt.

Just a reminder...if you have made a Macaron Mystery quilt (quilt top or finished quilt), the deadline to submit your quilt for prizes is tonight at midnight EST.  

If you have any problems with the linkup, you can email me your picture at and I will upload it for you (an email to me before midnight counts as an on time entry).


For my version of the quilt I paired some of Maureen Cracknell's fabrics from her Homebody Collection (for Art Gallery Fabrics) with light gray and white backgrounds.  You can see closeups of the fabrics and more information in my fabrics post.

For the backing, I went with this peachy orange solid and finished the quilt with a dark blue Homebody print for the binding.


I used one of my favorite all over quilting designs for my Macaron Mystery, the large paisley shape.  This design gives great texture to the quilt without taking away from the piecing or the fabrics.

I used Aurifil Dove thread (50 wt) for the quilting which blended in well with the gray background.


I was out at my favorite place to take pictures (the field area behind the hospital near my house) and I noticed that the cable spool that I had used in a photoshoot over 3 years ago was still there!  Here are some additional pictures of the quilt styled on the large wooden spool.

You can find all of the information for the Macaron Mystery quilt here and if you would like a full pdf, easy to print version of the pattern, you can find it in my pattern shop here.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Macaron Mystery Quilt ++ Linkup Reminder

 Macaron Mystery Quilt Linkup Reminder

It may be April 1st, but this no April Fools joke :)  The Macaron Mystery quilt linkup deadline is Thursday, April 7th at midnight (EDT).

Remember, you can always find all of the information and posts about the quilt along on the Macaron Mystery Quilt Page.

The Reveal parade post will be posted on Thursday, April 14th.  

On the 13th the pdf links from the posts will be removed.  The instructions will always be available in the blog posts and a full, easily printable version of the pattern will be available in my pattern shop.


  • Use the linkup link below. You will link up your quilt top or quilt and then on the reveal parade day, they will all publish together in one post.
  • The deadline to linkup is April 7th at midnight EST.
  • If you have any problems or questions with the link-up, e-mail me at I can load your quilt picture into the linky party for you.
  • If you need help, please do not DM me through Instagram, message through Facebook, leave a comment in the Facebook group, etc. I simply cannot keep track of all of the different avenues of communication and might not see your question or problem.


  • Do I need to finish my quilt (quilted and bound) to take part in the parade and be eligible for prizes? 
    • No, you can enter pictures of completed quilt tops or finished quilts.
  • I posted my quilt picture to Facebook / Instagram / my blog, am I entered into the parade? 
    • No, you must link up your picture to be eligible. I will help you if you have any problems.
  • How are the prizes given out? 
    •  All prizes are given out randomly to quilters who participate in the reveal parade.
  • I loved the mystery quilt so much I made two (or more) versions, can I link up both of them? 
    •  Yes! You can link up all of the quilt tops and/or finished quilts you made from the Macaron Mystery quilt and each quilt gets an entry into the prize drawing.
  • I changed up the design (added borders, arranged blocks differently, changed size, etc), can I still enter the reveal parade for prizes?
    • Yes!  Any and all Macaron Mystery variations are eligible for prizes.