In this sale, you can add 23 beautiful patterns to your collection (a $170 USD value for just $25 USD!!), as well as receive exclusive discounts from Sulky and Gotham Quilts. Added bonus? Each purchase includes an entry to win a free class from Craftsy or a 6-mo subscription to Make Modern!
If you would like to purchase this bundle you can find the listing right here. (Note: this is an affiliate link so if you decide to purchase the bundle after clicking one of the links in this post, I will receive a portion of the sale price.)
The bundle includes patterns from these talented pattern designers: 13 Spools, Amy's Creative Side, Blossom Heart Quilts, Carrie Actually, Clover & Violet, Cooking Up Quilts, Daydreams of Quilts, Emkie Designs, Faith and Fabric, Hilltop Custom Designs, Live Love Sew, Meadow Mist Designs, Night Quilter, Quiet Play, Quilting Jetgirl, Quilty Joy Joy, Said With Love, Stitches Quilting, Sunflower Stitcheries and Quilting, Swoodson Says, and The Crafty Mummy.
The pattern bundle contains tons of holiday and non-holiday themed patterns, including traditionally and paper pieced quilt patterns and sewn items. The pattern I contributed as Poinsettia Pinwheels, a modern Christmas quilt. Here is a little peek of all of the great patterns:
Remember this is 23 patterns for just $25 (just over a dollar a pattern!) and the sale runs for only 72 hours (the sale ends at 3:00pm EST on Thursday).
If you would like to purchase this bundle you can find the listing right here.

Can't wait for this! :)