Monday, June 13, 2016

New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop - Miss-Bee Hivin' - Week 1 Plus Giveaway

Welcome to the first week of the 2016 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop Week 1 where I get to introduce you to the first set of bloggers from my hive. I hope you will take the time to visit each of the 4 hive member's blogs today:

Emily @ The Darling Dogwood

Kate @ Smiles From Kate

Miranda @ I Have Purple Hair

Holly @ Lighthouse Lane Designs

If you have time, please also visit my co-hosts Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl and Stephanie @Late Night Quilter as they are introducing members of their hives today as well!

In addition to checking out the hopper's blogs, check out these great new advice posts from seasoned veterans:

You can find all of the blogger's blog addresses from my hive right here.

And now onto the New Quilt Bloggers Week 1 Giveaway!

We are so thankful to our generous sponsors of the 2016 New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop! This week you can enter to win one of these fabulous prizes:
  • Fat Quarter Shop - $50 Gift Certificate
  • Aurifil 12 Large Spool Designer Collection - Amy Sinibaldi, Sweetly Stitched (28 and 50wt)
  • Hawthorne Threads - $40 Gift Certificate
  • The Quilter’s Planner 2017 Starter Kit (Planner, Pens, Clips, Highlighters)
  • Mini Barn Quilts - Winner’s Choice of (1) of the (6) Original Mini Barn Quilts
  • Story Patches- $25 Starter Kit (patches and pen)
  • Stitches Quilting - $30 Gift Certificate
  • Meadow Mist Designs - Winner’s Choice of (2) Digital PDF Patterns
  • Quilting Jetgirl - Winner’s Choice of (2) Digital PDF Patterns
You can earn up to 5 entries to this giveaway using rafflecopter below:
Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter!

Giveaway will run from June 13th through June 17th 11:59 pm EST and is open to entrants 18 years or older. Winners will be announced Sunday, June 19th!


  1. I think often a free tutorial makes me follow a blog. But also pictures of projects in work/ or fnished which just catch my interest. I also love to read book reviews and other quilt related stuff.And i love to follow blog hops, as I lrean so many new things and thats where I get to know no blogs to follow, lol! Great blog hop, I look forward to read more!

  2. Great intro to the new blogger hop. I enjoyed visiting everyone's words of advice and meeting the new bloggers!

  3. I am looking forward to checking everyone's block out.

  4. Thanks for all the help and support over the last few weeks Cheryl. Really looking to this Blog Hop and to checking out the other Hives aswell.

  5. Looking forward to discovering new blogs. Happy blog hop.

  6. Thank you Cheryl for the love and support you've shown all of us new bloggers. Can't wait to check out everyone's posts this week!

  7. I am so excited that the blog hop has officially started! Thank you for all your hard work behind the scenes to get things organized and flowing this year. :)

  8. Love your quilts on Esty.

  9. Love the informational knowledge I gain from blogs.
    Thank you.

  10. The best blogs to follow are those who are making projects similar to one's own. They give tips and tutorials and patterns that are frequently just what was needed.

  11. I enjoyed visiting the new bloggers! Really special that you and the others get together and do this. Have a fantastic creative day!

  12. Tutorials,tips,projects,fabric combo make me to follow a blog.

  13. I am so excited to meet all the new blogging quilters this year!

  14. I'm really excited to be a part of this! Thanks so much for all that you (and Yvonne, and Stephanie) have done to make this happen!

  15. So excited to read everybody's posts today! The Rafflecopter says I have 5 entries. How do I enter the 6th?

  16. What a great first day of posts! Thanks for hosting!!!

  17. Thanks Cheryl for hosting, great way to spend lunch time!

  18. Thanks for hosting. This is a great forum for us newbies to learn how to do some of this blogging stuff but also to meet other new bloggers. I've also looked at some of the advice posts too.

  19. Thanks for the chances to win

  20. I follow blogs for new ideas. I particularly like seeing new patterns and the different quilting designs that people use. Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. Your group's name and button are the bee's knees Cheryl! It's really great that you help new bloggers get going on their grand adventures each year!

  22. I need to come tonight and follow more links. It's a great blog hop with lots of good info for even us "old timers".

  23. I follow because I feel I can learn something from that blogger. Either I like a project or projects or I read for the human content on how they live their lives and find balance. Thanks.

  24. That would be Christmas, I love the whole month of December. Thanks.


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