Topic VIII - Pattern Writing Blog Series - Pattern Testing
A. Testing
At this point in the process, you have your quilt pattern
drafted and you have reviewed, checked, and double-checked the math a few
times. Now it is time for test the
pattern to make sure that it is understandable, correct, and easy to follow.
B. Why Testing Is So Important
As a pattern designer, one of the scariest e-mails you
can receive is about an error in your pattern.
With your mistake, you have caused a quilter to waste valuable time and
fabric. Testing is important to minimize
pattern mistakes.
In addition to making sure your math and directions are
correct, testers can help improve your pattern.
For example, in one of my charm square friendly patterns, a tester
suggested adding fabric requirements to use fat quarters instead of charm packs
for larger quilt sizes. In another
pattern, one of the testers said that it would be helpful to add yardages
needed if someone wanted to make a background out of a single fabric instead of
a scrappy version. These were both great
upgrades to my quilt pattern and made it more useful to buyers.
In previous comments, there were some questions on how to
know whether the piecing instructions were too brief or too wordy. Besides finding the right balance by simply
practicing and practicing writing patterns, your pattern testers can give you
valuable feedback on your instructions.
C. Testing Your Own Patterns
Most of the time, I write out my entire quilt pattern and
then I become the first tester by going through the quilt pattern as I make the
quilt. In rare cases, I make the quilt
first and then write the pattern.
Typically, when I do this I will still be the first tester and will
remake the quilt in a different size. As
you work through the pattern yourself, try to follow the instructions word for
word, and take notes on the pattern as you go.
D. Pattern Testers
Using pattern testers is totally optional, but I am
definitely a proponent of using testers.
Testers will be able to tell you if any parts of your instructions are
confusing and point out areas for improvement.
They will recheck your quilt math, correct your grammar, and help with
conciseness, clarity, and layout.
Everyone reads and interprets directions differently and what makes
total sense to you might be confusing to another quilter.
If you are lucky enough to have a number of pattern
testers, you should try to have them test a variety of quilt sizes. If your pattern contains baby, lap, twin,
queen, and king sizes, it would be more helpful to have a variety of sizes
tested instead of 5 people testing the lap size.
a. Types of Pattern Testers
There are two main types of pattern testers, one that
will make a quilt (or quilt top) with your instructions and one who will review
your pattern (text, math, etc.) without actually making a quilt. Both are good and valuable testers.
b. What Makes a Good Pattern Tester?
A good pattern tester will give you feedback on what to improve
and not simply make quilt using the pattern and say that the pattern was “good”. A quilt pattern is like any other written
document, there is always room for improvement.
c. Paying a Tester
This is a sensitive topic, doing a good testing job takes
hours so should you pay your testers?
This is a question you are going to have to answer for yourself. A majority of pattern designers do not pay
pattern testers.
In addition to being a pattern designer, I am also a
pattern tester for a number of quilters.
I personally have never expected any payment when I test patterns. I truly enjoying testing quilt patterns (I am
of the non-quilt making tester variety) and enjoy helping other pattern
designers. I have received gift cards
and handmade items as thank you’s and love them, but do not expect them.
I do not pay my testers.
Instead, I offer to test their patterns, mentor new pattern designers,
sponsor giveaways on their blogs, give copies of the finished pattern, make
small gifts, send gift cards, etc. I try
to pay them back as much as I can as I understand the time and effort that they
are spending to help me improve my pattern.
Yvonne at Quilting Jetgirl has an excellent post about
her decision to pay pattern testers. I
encourage you to go to her post for another perspective on
pattern testing.
d. Testing BFF
Everyone should have a TBFF (testing best friend
forever). Your TBFF will give you honest
opinions without sugar coating and you will feel comfortable enough with them
to e-mail/text/call throughout the entire pattern writing process. My TBFF is Paige Alexander (who blogs over at
Quilted Blooms). In addition to
being an awarding quilter, Paige is a financial book keeper for businesses (so
great with math and organization) and as a bonus is local so we get to hang
out. I cannot count how many times I
have texted or called Paige to get help with cover page layout or wording in a
quilt pattern. It is invaluable to have
a resource to bounce ideas off of and get real-time feedback during the writing
process. Paige not only reviews my
patterns, she has reviewed each of my posts for this series too! (Though I have
kept adding and tweaking the posts after she reviewed them, probably adding all
sorts of typos and bad grammar back in :)
e. How to Find Pattern Testers
There are lots of quilters out in the world that would
love to test your quilt patterns, but the big question is how to find them. If you have a blog or are active on Instagram,
you can put up a picture of the quilt and call for pattern testers. You can also find testers at your local guild
if you are a member of one. (There will also be a new resource to find testers that will be announced on Thursday, hint hint).
If you are able to find another pattern designer, you can
test each other’s patterns (this also solves the issue of paying for pattern
testing as the testing goes both ways).
There are also quilters who advertise on the internet to test your
patterns for a fee.
I find that you do not need 10+ people testing your
pattern as the whole revision process and organizing the testing becomes
overwhelming. I typically use between 3
and 6 testers per pattern.
f. Testing Expectations
You should communicate clear expectations to your pattern
testers, so that everyone (the testers and yourself) know and agree to what is
expected. Here are some questions to consider
so that both testers and designers have a good and useful interaction:
- What is the time-frame for testing?
- Are they to make a quilt block, quilt top, or finished quilt?
- How would you like comments back (written, verbal, on the pattern, in a separate document?)
- Are they allowed to show pictures of the progress and finished quilt or keep it secret?
- Are you going to be compensating the testers?
g. Sample Tester Questions
I send out a word document with the pattern to be tested
asking specific questions to make sure that I am getting the feedback I hope
for. Below is a sample of the questions
I ask:
1. Have
you found any errors in the pattern? (i.e. incorrect
measurements, misspellings, miss-labeling, punctuation)
2. Did any parts of the pattern seem too crowded
or spaced apart?
3. Any illustrations or photographs too small or
too large?
4. If you printed the pattern, was everything in
the printed copy easily legible?
5. Were there any steps you had to read more than
once or twice to understand what they were?
Were there any part of the pattern that could be helped with more
5. Would
instructions for using another size fabric (for example: yardage versus pre-cut
be helpful)?
6. Any other tips for improving the pattern?
Stay tuned, on Wednesday (March 2nd)
we will have a round table discussion with the guest designers about their
experiences with testing their patterns.
On Thursday (March 3rd) I will be
announcing a super new resource that will help you with pattern writing, tester
finding, and connecting with other pattern designers!