Saturday, October 31, 2020

Favorite Finish Monthly Linkup - October 2020

Welcome to October's Favorite Finish Monthly Linkup!

How is October finished already?  Happy Halloween to those that are celebrating!  I hope that everyone is staying safe and well.

My favorite finish this month was the Bear Hug quilt I made as part of the #sewPINK blog hop hosted by

Ready for the party?  

Here is a reminder of the party details:
  • The linky party will open at 12:01am EST on the last day of the month and will be open for 5 days, through the 4th at 11:59 pm EST.
  • For instructions on how to link up blog, Instagram, or pictures from your computer (new - there is now a way to just upload a picture without a web link) to the party, click here.  
  • If linking a blog post, I ask that you please add a link back to the party (and the button graphic if you would like).
  • Please visit at least 3 other links (and preferably leave comments) to share the love and celebration :)
I hope you join in by checking out the posts or linking your favorite finish of the month!

Friday, October 23, 2020

#sewpink Blog Hop ++ Bear Hugs Quilt Pattern

I am very excited to participate in the #SewPINK initiative created by My mother had breast cancer, but because she caught it early she is now thankfully cancer free.

Three activities for my hop day...
  1. My new pattern, Bear Hugs, launches. 
  2. I am auctioning off the Bear Hugs cover quilt on Instagram and all proceeds will be donated to support breast cancer research.
  3. I am giving away a $30 gift certificate to


My newest pattern, Bear Hugs, uses a scrappy Bear Claw quilt block in an interesting design setting.  This pattern is prefect for your scraps and you can use it to create your own quilt.  I believe that a quilt is a hug made of fabric.

The pattern contains cutting instructions for both scraps and fat eighths, detailed step by step piecing instructions, and a coloring page to test out different color schemes.   

You can find the pdf, digital version of Bear Hugs, in my pattern shop.

I had a lot of fun taking pictures of this quilt including in a field behind the hospital by my house.


The Bear Hugs quilt will be auctioned off on Instagram today, being posted around 8 am EST this morning.  The auction will last for 3 days through midnight EST Sunday night.  I will pay shipping costs within the US and the winner will donate the winning amount directly to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.


**update ** giveaway now closed

And last but not least, byAnnie has generously given a prize of a $30 gift certificate to one lucky winner.  

Enter the giveaway through Rafflecopter.  The giveaway is open from 12:15am EST Friday, October 23, 2020 and will end at 11:00pm EST on Sunday, October 25, 2020.  The giveaway is open to everyone around the world.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The #SewPink Initiative was created by LLC to raise awareness for breast cancer throughout the year. Our efforts culminate in an annual blog hop during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month to promote self-care, awareness, early detection and support for those affected by breast cancer. 

To learn more and see the calendar of events visit:

To find screenings available near you:
Breast Screen (Australia) (US)
WebMD (free screenings)

To donate directly to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation visit:

Check out the rest of the #sewPINK blog hop...
✂ Oct. 1 (Thur): Mister Domestic
✂ Oct. 5 (Mon): Sewfinity
✂ Oct. 7 (Wed)Great Heron Thread
✂ Oct. 9 (Friday)Knot and Thread
✂ Oct. 12 (Mon): Snuggles Quilts
✂ Oct. 14 (Wed)A Bright Corner
✂ Oct. 16 (Fri)Suzn Quilts
✂ Oct. 19 (Mon)HUGS'N KISSES
✂ Oct. 20 (Tues)Sallie Tomato
✂ Oct. 22 (Thur)Masterpiece Quilting, Nancy Scott 
✂ Oct. 23 (Fri)Meadow Mist Designs
✂ Oct. 26 (Mon): LoveYouSew
✂ Oct. 27 (Tue)Teresa Coates
✂ Oct. 31 (Sat)Sookie Sews of Sue O'Very Designs

Thanks for stopping by!  

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Morewood Mystery ++ Irish Units

I love strip piecing, do you?

Welcome to the October instructions for the Morewood Mystery Quilt along. There is plenty of time to join in on the quilt along!  You can find all of the information about the Morewood Mystery, including schedule, past instructions, links to the Facebook group, sneak peek, and more at the Morewood Mystery Page.

We are going to be making some Irish Units this month using strip piecing.

Now that the Mystery Quilt has ended, you can find a easy to print, full version of the pattern for sale in my pattern shop.

Irish Units

Make 15 double Irish units 2 ½" x 2 ½".

1. Sew together 1 fabric C strip 1 ½" x WOF and 1 bg strip 1 ½" x WOF along their long sides to make a strip set 2 ½" x WOF, pressing the seam open or towards the darker fabric. Repeat to make a total of 2 strip sets.   

Tip: I find that pressing the seam open keeps the seam in these narrow strip sets straighter.

2. Cut the strip sets into 30 units 1 ½" x 2 ½" (each strip can yield 26 segments).

3. Sew together 2 units from step 2, pressing the seam open, to make a double Irish unit 2 ½" x 2 ½".  Repeat to make a total of 15 double Irish units.

Combine 2 fabric C strips 1 ½" x WOF and 2 bg strips 2" x WOF to make 30 single Irish units 3" x 3".

1. Sew together 1 fabric C strip 1 ½" x WOF and 1 bg strip 2" x WOF along their long sides to make a strip set 3" x WOF, pressing the seam open or towards the darker fabric. Repeat to make a total of 2 strip sets. 

Tip: I find that pressing the seam open keeps the seam in these narrow strip sets straighter. 

2. Cut the strip sets into 30 units 1 ½" x 3" (each strip can yield 26 segments).

3. Sew together 1 unit from step 2 and a bg rectangle 2" x 3", pressing the seam open, to make a single Irish unit 3" x 3". Repeat to make a total of 30 single Irish units.


Many thanks to the generous sponsors of the Morewood Mystery Quilt!

Any questions?  Leave them in a comment below or post them to our Facebook group page.  I look forward to seeing everyone's units.  The next set of instructions will be published on the first Thursday of November, the 5th.