Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Best of 2017 Linky Party!

Welcome to the Best of 2017 Linky Party!  This is the third annual "Best of" blog party to share your and read others top 5 posts of 2017.

To take part in the link party, simply write a blog post highlighting your "best" 5 posts from 2017 and linkup. There is no set way to pick your best, you can pick your posts anyway you would like, some examples include:
  • Posts with the most views
  • Posts with the most comments
  • Posts that provoked the best discussions
  • Posts showing your favorite 2016 finishes
  • Posts of your best tutorials
  • Posts that are simply your favorites

    The link party is open now and will remain open for 1 week, closing on Tuesday, January 2nd.

    I invite you to grab a cup of tea, coffee, apple cider, or your favorite blog reading beverage, relax, and have some fun reading the best blog posts of 2017 :)

    The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


    1. I am excited to write my post and catch up with everyone who links up. Thank you so much for hosting!

    2. Thank you, Cheryl! I'm excited to participate in the link up and get a look at what others found to be their best.

    3. Thanks, Cheryl! It's not only fun to write a post to participate in this linky but also read what others have written.

    4. Yay! I had so much fun sharing and reading all the posts last year I can't wait to get my best 5 organized and posted. Thank you Cheryl for hosting the link up party!!!

    5. Found your party through Tu-Na and linked up. Thank you for hosting! Have a happy New Year~

    6. Hi again, Cheryl. I already left you a message but I do not know what happened. Well, count me in! I am choosing my top 5 posts right now! Kisses, my friend.

    7. Thanks for hosting this fun link party again this year Cheryl. It's such a pleasure to be able to share our year end celebrating with all the participants. Wishing you a happy new year!

    8. Thank you so much for hosting this fun link party! :-)

    9. Hi Cheryl, this sounds like fun, I will definitely link up and also interested in what other's have to say :)

    10. This is my third year playing linking up. It's fun to go back through old posts. Thanks for hosting the linky party again.

    11. So many wonderful blogs to read and quilts to view! Thanks for hosting the linky party Cheryl! It was fun to review my 2017!

    12. Thanks for hosting the link-up party again this year!

    13. Thank you for the invitation to the party! I am eager to meet new bloggers and new followers!

    14. Thanks for hosting this Cheryl: I'll not link up this year as I didn't accomplish much this year....but I'll be back next year with bells on!

    15. Thanks for hosting such a great party, Cheryl!

    16. 2017 was a great year. Here's to a wonderful 2018!!!

    17. You are the best! I love this time of year when we can go back and see what we accomplished!

    18. Cheryl, this is such a terrific idea. Thank you for hosting the party. I am thrilled to be able to participate. Wishing you success and happiness in the new year.

    19. Thanks for hosting the fun linky party, can't wait to see what everyone made in 2017. Happy New Year!

    20. thanks so much for hosting this party. It is so fun to see so much quilty inspiration in one place.


    Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!