Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Summer Crush - Mosaic Contest Entries

A couple of days ago, I saw on my Bloglovin feed that Stitched in Color was having a another fabric mosaic contest.  For each mosaic contest, Rachel gives a theme and some inspirational photographs and then you get to go play, creating different fabric bundles from the fabrics at Quilt Sandwich Fabrics. I think that making digital fabric combinations (almost) satisfies my fabric tooth as much as buying actual fabric!

The theme this time was Summer Crush and Rachel pulled together some beautiful inspirational photographs.

To make my bundles, I usually go through all of the shop's fabrics, coping any fabrics that catch my eye and I think might work into PowerPoint.  I usually start with a focus fabric in the center of the mosaic and then play around with the other fabric thumb nail images, arranging them around the center fabric.

For both of my bundles this time I started with Anna Maria Horner prints, their aquas, yellows, and pinks spoke summer to me.

Bundle #1 - Summer Pop

Bundle #2 - Social Summer

 I hope you enjoyed my interpretations of Summer Crush and will hop over to Stitched in Color's blog to see the other gorgeous entries.


  1. Both bundles are gorgeous! I like how the textures in the second bundle become the focus rather than the prints in the first bundle.

  2. Lovely summer bundles, Cheryl! I love that we seem to be thinking summer in the same colourways. ;o) Hope your summer has been a good one!

  3. Both are just lovely! I especially love bundle #2, it bring to mind sherbet cones :)

  4. Oh, I had such a hard time choosing only 10 finalist mosaics this time. Yours are both lovely and close contenders!


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