I got nominated by Katy who blogs at Lethargic Lass for the Around the World Blog Hop tour -- she is the wonderful blogger that I just had a fantastic swap with.
I am excited to take part in this fun hop so here are the basic questions, hopefully you can learn a little more about me. I put in a few pics of some favorite finishes to break up all the text.
1. What am I working on?
I have four main projects going on right now, running and participating in the Foothills Mystery Quilt, making a wonky court house steps charity quilt, planning my MQG pastel cotton couture challenge quilt, and writing some new quilt patterns for Camelot Fabrics for their new lines being introduced this fall.
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Being an engineer, I actually love quilt math and challenge of breaking down a pattern to easily understandable and clear instructions. My quilt designs tend to have strong geometric patterns set on a crisp background. I have trying recently to step outside of my comfort zone recently by using scrappy low volume backgrounds, improv piecing, and wonky blocks.
3. Why do I write/create what I do?
After my daughter was born I read a quote that said, "A women should do something everyday that can't be undone". Having a toddler and a new baby and working, I was spending so much time cooking and cleaning each day. These activities while vital never really got finished and I had to repeat them each day. I really needed a creative outlet to make something that would stay done, that I would not have to redo over and over. I made my daughter a quilt for her toddler bed, fell in love with quilting and have not looked back since :)
So now it's time to pass the baton to two other wonderful women, they will each be posting on Monday, October 6th:
-- Soma @ Whims and Fancies - Soma makes the most amazing paper pieced designs you have ever seen. I had the wonderful opportunity to take part in her College Blog Hop earlier this summer.
-- Shelley @ The Carpenter's Daughter Who Quilts - Shelley has a new blog but has been quilting for years. She has great posts describing her whole quilting process and her wonderful finishes.
I am linking up to MOP Monday @ Tweety Loves Quilting.