Next came the quilting. As this was a learning quilt I decided to use spiral quilting for the first time. Here are some pictures of the final quilt and some of my learnings about spiral quilting (and a question).
Tip 1 - Make sure you take the quilting slow. Each time I got comfortable spiraling, my quilting speed grew (using a walking foot on a stitch length of 4 on my Bernina) and I could tell that the layers were not being feed as easily. This resulted in a pucker on the back (much unpicking was done) and some pulling of the fabric on the front.
Tip 2 - Make sure that your backing is well positioned. Well, this tip really is just for me and is universal to the type of quilting you are doing. My backing was not much larger than my top, but I thought I had everything aligned correctly. About halfway through quilting I noticed that my quilt back was actually misaligned and did not cover about 1.5" of the quilt top. That is why if you compare the quilt top pics to the finished quilt you will notice a missing border where I had to chop the quilt. I was kicking myself for that mistake.
Now for my question - in the center area of the spiral quilting (about a foot in diameter) there is extra fabric making that poof out from the surface of the quilt. It looks like when areas have less quilting than surrounding areas so they poof a little. My quilting lines are spaced pretty equally so I am not sure why this happened. I washed the quilt and poofiness lessened but it is still there. Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know why this happened and how it can be avoided?
To finish this quilt was my February goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes (I was link #125 in the initial February linkup).
I am linking up to Link a Finish Friday, Whoop Whoop Friday, Thank Goodness Its Finished Friday, and Finish It Up Friday.