
Past Finishes

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

QuiltCon 2019 Recap ++ Quilts

QuiltCon was an amazing trip, I got to see so many friends, teach some workshops, take a wonderful class, and see such inspiring quilts.  I am going to break this recap into two posts, the quilts and the quilty adventures :)

I am sure that you saw oodles of quilts from QuiltCon on Instagram and on other blogs, but here were some of the quilts at the show that really spoke to me...

Blue Houses by Melanie Tuazon

I love how Melanie combined improv piecing, simple shapes, and high contrast colors to create such prospective in this design.

Louver by Jayne Willis

I love Jayne's designs and was very excited to see these 3D flap like elements in person.

Slivers of Rivers by Simone Bradford

Another improv quilt that made my favorites, I love the ombre affect with the pops of orange and the quilting compliments the design well.

Self Portrait by Melanie Tuazon

The simple curves and colors of this mini quilt drew me in.

Burst by Marge Tucker

I love how the quilting extends into the white framing fabric in this design.

Modern Mandala by Betsy Vinegrad

This quilt was so tiny with such detail it was amazing.  The quilting in the blue background is difficult to see in the picture, but it was amazing too.

At the Junction by Marla Varner

This was my viewer's choice.  The piecing, colors, quilting, and design were amazing.  I loved this quilt when I saw it on Instagram and even more when I saw it in person.

Here is my guild, the Greenville Modern Quilt Guild's charity quilt.  My contribution was the swirl quilting on the lower third of the quilt.

Here is my quilt Flew Away in the mini category.

My quilt Periodicity hung in the Pattern of the Month exhibit section.

My design, Mikado, hung in the 2-color challenge category.

Dorito-ish by Christopher Brickey

I watched people walk by my son's quilt and it seemed to bring a smile to people's faces.

I hope that you enjoyed a little peek into the QuiltCon quilt show and maybe saw a few quilts here that you had not seen yet on social media.  Did you attend QuiltCon?  Which was your favorite quilt?


  1. Looks like you had a great time! Congratulations on showing so many quilts, and to your son for his entry!

  2. It was such a great show! I spent the first day walking around dazed and confused and just a lot overwhelmed! I wish I could have met you! But I did see your gorgeous quilts which I loved! Thank you for sharing my quilt!!

  3. I loved your son's quilt! It was my favorite youth quilt :-)

  4. What a good time you had - didn't run into you this year - I did have a mishap when I arrived so it slowed me down a bit. It was a great show and a great first time experience for me! Fun to see your quilts and your son's quilt it person!

  5. It's nice to see your QC review. We all have differing viewpoints when we're seeing these quilts in person. My Viewer's Choice vote went to "Curl" by SydneyRoseDesigns. Though I sure do agree that the bright colors of "At the Junction" were really appealing. Those are my kind of bright colors! So glad your son's quilt was there for everyone to see. He did a really good job of making a statement with that quilt!

  6. It was amazing to see you Cheryl!

  7. Thanks for the recap! I was at QuiltCon but only for a few hours to shop, I didn't really get a chance to see the quilts as I just didn't have the time, so I love these photos you took!

  8. Oh what awesome quilts thanks for the recap. I can see why your sons quilt put a smile on everyones face. I loved it Have a great day!

  9. Glad you had such a nice showing at the convention.

  10. Thanks so much for sharing. I hated missing this year, but it just wasn't possible. Looking forward to your next post.

  11. Thanks for sharing your favorites! I wasn't able to go this year but have hopes for Atlanta in 2021. I'm so glad that you got to see people smiling as they walked past your son's quilt! It really is a fun piece. Congrats on having so many there yourself!

  12. Thanks for sharing a few more quilts that I haven't seen. I especially like your 2-color entry. Congratulate your son on his colorful entry and tell him to keep up the creative work.


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