
Past Finishes

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Modern Plus Sampler Quilt-Along Announcement

I am very excited to announce that the next quilt along, the Modern Plus Sampler will begin in two months on July 5th!  

I will be co-hosting this quilt along with my Modern Plus Sign Quilts co-author Paige Alexander of Quilted Blooms.

1.  About the Quilt Along

The Modern Plus Sampler is a free quilt-along that will run from July 2018 until April 2019 that uses most of the blocks from the Modern Plus Sign Quilts book together in a brand new lap sized quilt design! 

As this quilt along is a compilation of all different blocks from the Modern Plus Sign Quilts book, the book will be required to quilt along.  The good thing is that the book is on sale at Amazon!

(At the time of this post), the kindle edition is only $12.60 and the printed version is only $16.94 (you can get the book for less than the cost of 1-2 yards of fabric!).

The book is available at:

2.  Quilt Design Reveal

I am calling this an "unsampler" because it does not look like a traditional sampler quilt, but a whole new quilt design that incorporates many different blocks.  

This is not a mystery quilt and the design will be revealed next month on Thursday of June 7th.

3.  Confident Beginner Level Pattern

This pattern will be at the confident beginner level with a few more challenging blocks.  Don't worry if you have questions or get stuck, we will all be quilting together and you can ask me or the Facebook group any questions you have along the way.

Most of the quilt will be traditionally pieced, but there will be a couple of applique blocks and paper pieced blocks.  I encourage you to try these and learn some new skills.  If you would like to avoid applique and/or paper piecing, we will be giving alternative instructions to avoid these methods.

4. Facebook group 

We have over 3,000 members in our Facebook Group (Meadow Mist Designs Facebook Group) sewing together! Join the group today so you can share and see everyone else's fabric, progress pictures, and finished quilts.

5.  Schedule

This quilt along will be run similarly to my previous mystery quilt quilt alongs, a nice slow pace with a set of instructions posted the first Thursday of each month.  The quilt along will finish up in April 2019 with a fun reveal parade where you can show off your quilt.  Here is the schedule for the first few months:

May 3rd - Modern Plus Sampler announcement
June 7th - Design revealed!
July 5th - Fabric requirements
August 2nd - Piecing of the first section

6. Quilt-along Instructions

The monthly instructions will be posted to this blog as blog posts (and can always be found in the Quilt Along tab above) and each instruction blog post will contain a link to an easy to print downloadable pdf version of the instructions.

The instructions will be written such that you will need the blog post and your book to complete most blocks.

7. Blog button

I have made a button for the Modern Plus quilt :) If you decide to join in on the quilt-along and have a blog I would love it if you posted the button.

grab button for Modern Plus Sampler
<div class="meadow-mist-designs-button" style="width: 200px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Modern Plus Sampler" width="200" height="200" /> </a> </div>

8. Prizes 

We will have prizes! Prizes will be given out randomly to quilters who submit finished quilts or quilt tops to the reveal parade in April 2019.  Paige and I are working with sponsors to finalize the prizes and will be posting more about the sponsors and prizes as the start date to the quilt along approaches.

9.  Questions?

I think that is everything for now. I hope that you are planning on joining us for a fun quilt along! If you have any questions you can leave them in a comment below or e-mail me at, I look forward to quilting along with you!


  1. That's a nice long time-frame Cheryl! Should be easy enough to keep up! Looking forward to seeing more details!

  2. Sounds fun! Looking forward to it.

  3. I am going to try to sneak this one in....time frame looks easy enough to keep up!

  4. I am so excited for this QAL and can't wait to get started!

  5. Oh, boy! I’m going to make every attempt to participate.

  6. Brilliant idea! I'm looking forward to the design reveal in June! : )

  7. What a fun idea Cheryl. I look forward to reading about lots of quilters' progress in the QAL. Also, love the graphic made for this QAL event. Very cool.

  8. Got the book after your fantastic blog-hop. Looking forward to this QAL.

  9. I'm excited for June 7th!!! I totally got the blog button to work on my blog! Happy dance!

  10. I'm excited to be joining the two of you for this. I guess I'll have to get a few other things off my plate first, no problem.
    I'm sure the quilt will be gorgeous.

  11. Hi Again Cheryl: I tried to copy the button but I ended up with some code showing on my page with it. Do you have any suggestions?

  12. Oh that sounds so exciting! I'm dying to see what the sampler looks like and how it's laid out!

  13. I'm looking forward to participating again this year. I'm looking forward to making the blocks from the book.

  14. Wonderful! Looking so forward to this event.

  15. That will be a lovely sampler quilt. It's always fun to see the colours and the prints everyone uses with the same design.


  16. I have this book already. There are many good patterns :)


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