
Past Finishes

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Meadow Mystery Quilt - Blocks 1, 3, and 4 - December Instructions

Welcome to the December instructions for the Meadow Mystery Quilt! If you just found this mystery quilt, there is still plenty of time to join in and catch up!

In case you are new to the Meadow Mystery Quilt here are some links to all of the relevant information:

Mystery Quit Tab (main page containing links to all monthly instructions and other information)

Link to Signup for Easy to Print pdf Versions of the Instructions (via e-mail)

Mystery Quilt Facebook Group

And now onto the December directions :) This month we will be starting to take all of those units we have been making for the last few months and starting to piece them into blocks.  Just as a reminder, here are the corresponding fabric letters to colors used in these illustrations:

Block 1

Arrange and sew the following fabric pieces as listed and shown below, pressing all seams open.  Block  1 should measure 12 ½” x 12 ½”.  Make 1 block.

Block 3

Arrange sew the following fabric pieces as listed and shown below, pressing all seams open.  Block 3 should measure 12 ½” x 12 ½”.  Repeat to form a total of 4 blocks.

**Note** Do not worry about the orientation of the seams in the B/E Half Hourglass Units

Block 4

Arrange and sew the following fabric pieces as listed and shown below, pressing all seams open.  Block 4  should measure 12 ½” x 12 ½”.  Repeat to form a total of 4 blocks.

**Note** Do not worry about the orientation of the seams in the B/E and C/E Half Hourglass Units

Be sure to share your progress in our Facebook Group :)

Many thanks to our sponsors!!


  1. Thanks you.Can´t wait to make them.

  2. I am so excited to piece some blocks this month and blown away that someone has already finished!

  3. Just getting started ~ giving myself the gift of two whole days to just cut and sew. Hope to catch up. Thanks for making this available to us.

  4. I'm loving this mystery quilt and can't thank you enough for creating it.

  5. I'm looking forward to getting to this part. It's been a fun mystery. Thanks!

  6. Thank you for having this as an easy access on line. I have this lot done and going off to bed Feeling that I have accomplish something today. Good night to all


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