
Past Finishes

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Floating by Cooking Up Quilts Giveaway

I love being able to return the favor of pattern reviewing and testing for my pattern reviewers. I recently had the opportunity to review Beth from Cooking Up Quilts's very first pattern called Floating. Beth is such an awesome pattern tester, one of the fastest quilters I have ever met.

The pattern uses 5 fabrics, 4 print fabrics and a background and contains instructions for five sizes – baby, lap, twin, queen, and king.   The pattern is very well written, clear with excellent instructions and illustrations.  Most of the pieces for the block are made using strip piecing which is such a time saver. Floating is now available on Beth's Etsy and Craftsy shops.

Beth has graciously allowed me to giveaway a pdf version of the Floating quilt pattern to two winners. Simply leave a comment below with your favorite color combination right now. Leave your e-mail address if you are a no-reply blogger.

Giveaway now over, thanks for taking part!


  1. Please enter me in your giveaway. Blue and yellow are my favorite colors to combine. Thanks!

  2. I am a blue-green addict. My favorite colors. Yours are beautiful.

  3. Hi there I love red and purple or simply blue and white . Beautiful quilt

  4. I like red and cream.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  5. Such a pretty design! I love using Navy and Coral! thanks!

  6. The blue and green color combination is gorgeous, and that is also my favorite!

  7. I love this pattern!! My favorite combinations are blue and green, but I am learning to step out of my comfort zone and experiment with oranges and pinks as well.

  8. That is a pretty pattern--I would love to try it with greens and yellows!

  9. That is a pretty pattern--I would love to try it with greens and yellows!

  10. What a great pattern. Kudos to Beth. Great colour choices.

  11. Nice pattern that would look good in many different color combos. Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. This truly is a beautiful pattern design! So many dimensions to it and the name fits perfectly!
    My current favorite color combo is gray and yellow. Gray is mellow and calm while the yellow just lifts it up!

  13. Hi...what a great pattern! I would love to do it in shades of gray, red, black and white (or pale pale gray)...although my favorite color combination at the moment is red, yellow, turquoise and cream----right out of a vintage kitchen of the 1950's! Thank you for the your blog.

  14. Loving the pattern for this quilt-really different. I am still really stuck on aqua and gray.

  15. This is a great graphic pattern. By using sand and orange along with the turquoise and black, it would have a Southwestern feel.

  16. This is a great graphic pattern. By using sand and orange along with the turquoise and black, it would have a Southwestern feel.

  17. This is a great graphic pattern. By using sand and orange along with the turquoise and black, it would have a Southwestern feel.

  18. beautiful! My favorite colors right now are orange and pink, lol.

  19. I'm finally making myself a quilt with the feature colors of pink and navy.

  20. I have always loved blues and browns - so calming. Maybe indigo and tan?

  21. Right now I am loving pink and browns or the teals and browns. Pretty quilt and thanks for the giveaway.

  22. Pinks and Purples and Pink and Turquoise
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  23. Beautiful! I am in love with coral, blue, and black right now! Chelsea (dot) m (dot) west (at)

  24. Very nice pattern. I love the look of red, black and white, and want to make a quilt in those colors. Thank you for the opportunity.

  25. I think brown,purple and green with some white would be very

  26. I am a green person with a touch of yellow.

  27. I think black and white with lime green would look great.

  28. I think black and white with lime green would look great.

  29. Love to put shades of purple and blue together. Soothing and cooling.
    mabay1981 at gmail dot com

  30. Blue and yellow. Red and white. Guess I have several. Thanks for the chance to win.

  31. What a beautiful quilt and pattern! I have been stuck on grey and white lately!

  32. Great pattern Beth! Right now, I love any color mixed in with black and white. Thanks for the giveaway!

  33. Blue , green and purple are always favorites!

  34. Such a lovely pattern, Beth!! You are a very talented quilter!!
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  35. a gorgeous quilt, very graphic. my fave color combo is blue, green, and yellow.

  36. Lovely quilt. I love creams graduating to dark brown at the moment. Thanks for the chance to win.


  37. Green, purple and pink are my favs right now, but they can, and do, change frequently. Your quilt is beautiful - I'd love to win a copy of the pattern. Thanks for your generosity.
    ktsquiltdreams (at)gmail (dot)com

  38. Lovely colors and beautiful quilting on the quilt

  39. That is such an eye catching design. The colors and quilting really enhance it too. Right now my favorite colors are anything with purple, green and black and white. Usually I gravitate toward the jewel colors for many things. This pattern would be striking in neutrals with a high contrast too - blacks, browns (darks) and gray and white with a touch of a bright zinger. Ohhh all the possibilities! Thanks for a chance to win the pattern.

  40. Right now I'm experimenting with grey (or low volume with grey) and almost anything else. I like my background fabric to make the other fabrics "pop". I find white a little stark, so am working with grey as a neutral, just because.

  41. Blue and green are my favorites. Would love to win a copy of this pattern. It is gorgeous. And, thanks for the chance to win.

  42. My favorite combo is purple and green

  43. recently finished a baby quilt wherein the mother-to-be asked for soft colors "think sea glass" she said....not my usual palate, but I went with it - turned out so well I think I will use these colors again - surprising what you can learn from others.

  44. I think my favorite color combinations change from day to day, but today it's yellow, green, and orange--citrusy summer colors!

    livingincolorblog [at] outlook [dot] com

  45. I am loving bright combos like Orange and hot pink with black on whites....beautiful!

  46. I love the blue/green combo, but my favorite it blue/brown...the grayish brown, not the orangey brown. Clear as mud, right? LOL

  47. I love this quilt design. Beth did a great job in designing her first pattern. I am just starting my second big quilt project using numerous black and white prints with red solid, so it is my current favorite.

  48. What a great quilt pattern. I would use turquoise and pink; or black and red; or yellow and red, or.....just too many color combinations to choose from!! Thank you for the chance to win.

  49. What a great quilt pattern. I would use turquoise and pink; or black and red; or yellow and red, or.....just too many color combinations to choose from!! Thank you for the chance to win.

  50. I really like blue and orange together. The quilt pattern looks like it would be fun to make.

  51. Lovely pattern! I'm into coral, red, navy, and aqua right now.

  52. Turquoise and marigold. I keep eyeing this pattern...really like it!

  53. WOW love the colors.
    I would love to win this pattern! How generous of Beth and kind of you to share

  54. This quilt pattern is really nice. I love fall colors right now with a nice bunch of oranges in the quilt! m y w e e d o x @ c e n t u r y t e l. n e t

  55. This quilt pattern is really nice. I love fall colors right now with a nice bunch of oranges in the quilt! m y w e e d o x @ c e n t u r y t e l. n e t

  56. I love turquoise and purple. This quilt is beautiful!

  57. My favorite color combo right now is aqua and gray. Can't get enough of it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  58. Blues and purples are my favs, for 3 color quilt, add greens!

  59. This is such a lovely pattern. Right now my favourite colours seem to be oranges, reds and pinks. I guess because it's sumer.

  60. Lovely pattern - I really like red and aqua together!

  61. Congratulations to Beth for such a great quilt pattern! I love her colour choice but I have a little stash of yellows and greys that I think would work beautifully.

  62. This is a fantastic pattern! It really, *really* appeals to me. My favorite color combo lately seems to be Bright - hot pink and orange with touches of black and white.

  63. What a fun pattern. Perhaps black and white with touches of turquoise.

  64. Beautiful quilt pattern! I like olive and magenta!

  65. I really like the way this pattern uses different shades of a color to emphasize depth and transparencies. The navy on the bottom steps up to the green level on top. Right now, I'm liking warm bright colors (think stars) against dark backgrounds. Not ruling any colors out -- I like to use as many fabrics as I can.

  66. I have been in an aqua mood, and really love it with pink/coral

  67. Lovely pattern, I love purple, teal and black together!

  68. Great pattern. I love aqua with black and coral. pjrquilter at msn dot com

  69. Red white & blue are always my fave!

  70. Great pattern!
    I love navy and green!

  71. I'm loving aqua and orange right now. This is a very attractive pattern.

  72. I am usually an all out scrap quilter, but recently I have been seeing a lot of reds and yellows and they just look so gorgeous together. So that would be my choice . The pattern looks fun and thanks for having a chance at winning this wonderful prize. I hope that you have a wonderful creative day!

  73. Turquoise and Orange.
    Seaglass and Coral.
    you get my drift.............thank you Cheryl:)


  74. I love the fall colors.

  75. I guess my favorite colors right now is Crimson and black! Working on an Alabama quilt for my son in law.

    I love this quilt! So pretty and it does look like it's floating!

  76. Aqua or turquoise and red are my favorite color combo. Thanks for the chance of winning!

  77. Yellow and Blues also Red, Black and Gray. Very eye catching pattern, the colors work well together.

    grubmagruder (at) Hotmail (dot) com
