
Past Finishes

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Guest Posting A Tuesday Tip @ The Cozy Pumpkin

Today, I'm sharing a fabric storage tip over on The Cozy Pumpkin. It involves salad and fabric storage, an unlikely combination, right?

I hope you'll hop over and check it out!


  1. Great tips, Cheryl! I'd be lost without my empty salad containers for sewing room storage.

  2. Brilliant. I have a system that's working for me, but I'll be saving some salad containers for keeping my fabric pulls for potential projects in... currently I'm overrun by little piles of ideas all over my sewing space! :-)

  3. Hi, the link for The Cozy Pumpkin no longer works. I goes to an error page. Is there a different address for her?


    1. Hi Linda - I just checked and it looks like the Cozy Pumpkin blog is completely down. I am not sure if this is just temporary or that she had deleted her blog. I will find the post I sent to her and re-post it on my site. Thanks for letting me know the link was broken! Cheryl (I had to respond to your comment this way because there was no e-mail address associated with your commenting profile)


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!