
Past Finishes

Pattern Writing 101

Welcome to the Pattern Writing Blog Series page!  This page will contain links to all of the series posts so that you can find them quickly and easily.

The series will begin on Monday, January 18th.

The series will take you step by step from a quilt design in a sketchbook all the way through to a fully developed quilt pattern.  To make the series less abstract and more practical, I will be demonstrating each step by working through an actual quilt pattern (that will be available as a free pattern at the end of the series).

There is no one "right" way to write a quilt pattern, so a number of guest pattern designers will be joining me for round table discussions and additional posts to give different perspectives and opinions on the design and writing processes.  With me will be (in alphabetic order) Amy of 13 SpoolsAnne of Springleaf StudiosChrista of Christa QuiltsLorna of Sew Fresh Quilts, Soma of Whims and Fancies, and Yvonne of Quilting Jetgirl.

Here is the tentative schedule, as each post is posted, the text below will be hyperlinked that you can can quickly and easily get to that post:

Topic I – Into

Topic II – Design

Topic III – Turning a Quilt Design into a Pattern

Topic IV – General Pattern Writing

Topic V – Quilt Math

Topic VI – Computer Programs

Topic VII – Illustrations and Text

Topic VIII – Testing
Topic IX – Publishing
Topic X– Wrap Up

Friday, March 11th – Wrap Up, Round Table Wrap Up, and Giveaway

I hope that you will grab my button for your blog or bookmark this page to keep up to date on all of the posts.

Pattern Writing Blog Series


  1. I so look forward to this series of blogs, I like designing and but struggle to put sewn blocks to paper. I am so in awe at your patterns and designs. I can teach by demos, quick and fun piecing or by design breakdown. Thanks for this heads up!!

  2. I so look forward to this series of blogs, I like designing and but struggle to put sewn blocks to paper. I am so in awe at your patterns and designs. I can teach by demos, quick and fun piecing or by design breakdown. Thanks for this heads up!!

  3. I think this is wonderful! Is there a place to sign up for your blog? Thanks?

  4. Yes!!!! Finally some HELP in this area!!
    Thank you!!

  5. Thank you so much for coordinating this, Cheryl. I'm very excited about it as you know. We don't need to purchase EQ7 or any other program for this series, right? Thanks!

  6. Hi Cheryl! This sounds fantastic! Looking for to start! x Teje

  7. You do inspire me... I finally spent a little more time with EQ7 and am really interested in writing patterns. I have done technical writing in another life, and much teaching, and am interested in doing this. You will be my new year's resolution. Meanwhile, I am going to resurrect my blog!!! The presents arrived from your recent giveaway - thank you!

  8. This promises to be very inspiring, I have written a few patterns myself, but any pointers would be greatly appreciated! Looking forward to January :)

  9. Even if I never write a pattern, this promises to be interesting. Thanks-you

  10. I have been asked to write up a couple of my patterns and have struggled with several attempts. I look forward to this blog series

  11. I am so happy that someone is going to provide this information. I have made quilts from my patterns but then do not have the skills I need to be able to put it into a document format.

  12. Oh this sounds great! I will have to dust off my blog and join in on this one!

  13. How long will this series run. Is it a blog hop, weekly series, monthly?

  14. This is a great opportunity. Thank you. How do I sign up for the blog. I am new and have no idea how to do this

    1. Hi Carol - You are a no-reply blogger so this is the only way to write back to you. The series is going to posted on my blog so if you are subscribed to the blog in any way (email, bloglovin etc links are on the right hand side of the blog you will get each of the posts.

  15. I have designed several of my own quilts and look forward to learning more about the pattern creation process!

  16. I truly can't wait for this to start!!

  17. Thank you SEW much for this new series. This is my top priority goal for 2016: writing patterns for my etsy shop! Lucky me!

  18. TrueBlueQuilts here, I am really looking forward to this series. My first book of quilt patterns (Monochromatic Quilts: Amazing Variety) is self-published and I know there are many places to improve!

  19. I'm so excited about this. I will be out of town during Topic 3 - will I be able to access the information at a later date?

  20. I am so looking forward to this! Will try to post the button as I'm learning the finer points of blogger.

  21. Super excited, will be there (am putting the dates in my wonderful quilter's planner right now! :)

  22. You have no idea how much I need this! Thank you!

  23. This sounds as though it's going to be interesting. I'm hoping that, as a designer, pattern writer and book author I will still find interesting things here.

  24. Also looking forward to this!

  25. I am looking forward to this. I have ideas in my head but really don't know how to get them on paper/computer etc. Thanks for doing this.

  26. I hope to learn more than I "think" I know now. I think I might right too much for the quilter, and then again, everyone has their own skills when it comes to following directions. Thank you.

  27. This sounds awesome. Thank you!

  28. Would love it, looking forward to it!

  29. Very excited to follow along with this series! Thank you.

  30. Cheryl, I'm loving this series so far! Thank you for putting this together : )

  31. HI Cheryl, I am really enjoying this series... I was wondering if it is OK to pin this page...if not, that's alright :-)

  32. really enjoyed the series re pattern writing. thank you for all your work in putting it together and thanks to all the guest designers. Keep up the good work

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  36. I keep losing your posts! I wanted to keep up with this writing blog series... I have other things I've posted on your sight, but must be computer dumb. Keep having to look for them. Please tell me if there is a way to go back & read them, or an easier way to catch up! Have a Happier Day!! 💜🌸💜😍

    1. All of the links can be found right in this post, thanks!

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  38. So inspiring, thank you for all you do! 🌷🐣🐰🌷

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  40. Very interesting. I have to come back later and read this series better.


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