Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Lovely Year of Finishes (Late) - May Goal

May seems to be flying by... so much so that between some trips, my son's birthday party, some secret sewing, and everything else (like my kitchen that just can't seem to stay clean for more an hour at a time), I totally forgot to write my ALYoF goal for May.  Well, even though I missed the link up I thought that I would still list my goal here.  I am picking a fun and (hopefully) simple sewing goal for May.

My goal is to make a Geranium dress out of this fabric for my daughter.  I bought the fabric as a possible quilt backing a couple of years ago and when my daughter saw it she told me she had to have a dress made out of it.  I have made two Geranium dresses so far so, with this one I am going to add the flutter sleeves and make a 5T instead of a 3T/4T.

Whish me luck :)  What are you working on this month?

I'm linking (in spirit) up to A Lovely Year of Finishes.


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